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Spring’s In, So Spring Forward with Arabic!

Hello Listener,

Winter blues getting you down? Feeling a little drowsy and lazy?
Neglecting those Arabic studies ‘til tomorrow?


Looks like you’ve caught the Arabic Winter blues.
There’s only one way to bounce back! You’ve got to Spring Forward!

…Meaning – Right here, right now, you’re forgetting a whole bunch of Arabic vocabulary by doing nothing! They’re gone! Poof! And all that great Arabic progress? It slammed on the gas pedal in reverse while you’re feeling blue.

Stop feeling blue, start feeling awesome. You’ve got to Spring Forward with Arabic!

And luckily… Spring’s only a few days away. That means more sunshine, warmer days, and even more fun, fast, and easy ArabicPod101 lessons that get you mastering Arabic ASAP! Here’s how you come roaring back with more lessons!

Spring Forward with Arabic and get 23% OFF all Basic and Premium Subscriptions!

Basic is the most affordable plan and Premium is the fast track to fluency. But both get you access to all of our effective Arabic lessons and lesson notes!

Or if you’re the kind of person that wants more, Premium tools such as the 2000 Core Word List, Spaced Repetition Flashcards, Line by Line Audio, My WordBank, etc. speed up your Arabic! The words and grammar you learn with the lessons, you master with the Premium tools until it’s all natural!

Hurry! Deal ends March 23rd!

Click here To Get 23% OFF and Spring Forward with Arabic!