Arabic Word of the Day – construction worker

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عامل البناء (ʿāmil al-bināʾ) construction worker

تستطيع أن تحصل على راتب عالي كعامل بناء، ولكنه حقا عمل شاق
tastaṭīʿu ʾan taḥṣula ʿalā rātibin ʿal-in kaʿāmili bināʾ, ūlakinnahu ḥaqqan ʿamalu šāq
You can earn a high salary as a construction worker, but it’s really hard work.

عامل البناء يقيس الخشب
ʿāmilu al-bināʾi yaqīsu al-ḫašab
The construction worker is measuring wood.

عامل بناء عاطل
ʿāmil bināʾ ʿāṭil
unemployed construction worker

عامل بناء يعمل
ʿāmilu bināʾ yaʿmal
construction worker on the job

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