Sinai Liberation Day & The Sinai Peninsula’s Significance

We’re going to talk now about an important day in Egyptian history: Sinai Liberation Day (or just Sinai Day). On this day, Egypt regained the land of Sinai and the last Israeli soldier left it after Camp David agreement. The liberation of Egypt’s Sinai put a large mark of victory on Egypt’s history.

In learning about this holiday, you’re delving into some of Egypt’s most significant history, particularly involving the Sinai Peninsula. This will give you a deeper knowledge of the country’s culture and its people. At, we hope to make this learning adventure both fun and informative. So let’s get started!

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1. What is the Arabic Day of Liberation?

Sinai Liberation Day is the day when all the land of Sinai, except Taba, was liberated from Israeli occupation. This was in 1982 and we regained Taba later in 1988 during the reign of the former president Hosni Mubarak. Sinai was occupied since 1967, but the Egyptian army kept struggling by all means in order to regain it.

The land of Sinai became the symbol of peace because it was regained after a peace treaty. The land of Sinai is distinguished by its beauty, charm, and scenic nature. Sinai is also characterized by its golden sands, great sea, and high mountains. Sinai and Taba are among the most beautiful places frequented by tourists from all over the world where they enjoy many water sports.

2. When is Sinai Liberation Day?

Liberation Day in April

On 25th April, the Day of Liberation in Egypt is observed. For Egypt, Sinai Liberation Day takes place on the day it gained back the land of Sinai after the Camp David agreement.

3. How Does Egypt Celebrate Liberation Day?

Flag of Egypt

This day is a public holiday in Egypt; in other words, all government departments are closed. On Sinai Liberation Day, Egypt doesn’t usually hold elaborate festivities, but it’s still a day of immense significance for its observers.

Egypt uses this day to remember and honor those who sacrificed themselves for Sinai’s liberation. Further, they pause for a while on this holiday to think about Sinai’s lovely nature and its place in the world today. We’ll go more into this below.

4. Additional Information: About the Sinai Peninsula

Want to learn more about the land of Sinai for Egyptian Sinai Liberation Day? Read the Arabic text below for more information (and find the English translation directly below it).

تتميز منطقة سينا بالسياحه العلاجيه ,فهنلاقي كتير من السياح بييجوا من انحاء العالم بغرض الاستشفاء من امراض زي الصدفيه و ده لأنهم اكتشفوا ان مية البحر الاحمر و الشعب المرجانيه اللي فيه بتساعد على الاستشفاء من بعض الامراض الجلديه

سينا ليها اسماء كتيرة زي مثلا أرض الفيروز ودا لأن بحرها بيتمتع بلون فيروزي رائع , سينا برده بيطلق عليها ارض
الزيتون و دا لأن فيها أجود أنواع شجر الزيتون اللي بينتج ألذ انواع الزيتون و زيت الزيتون.

ارض سينا تمتلك موقع استراتيجي ودا لأنها حلقة الوصل بين قارة اسيا وقارة افريقيا ….بين مصر و الشام .. بين المشرق العربي و المغرب العربي

Sinai region is famous for medical tourism. Tourists the world over come to visit it seeking treatment from diseases such as psoriasis because it was discovered that the water and coral reefs of the Red Sea help in treating some skin diseases.

Sinai has many names. It is called the land of turquoise because of the magnificent turquoise color of its sea. Sinai is also called the land of olives because it contains the best quality of olive trees which produce the most delicious olives and olive oil.

The land of Sinai has a strategic location because it is a liaison between the continents of Asia and Africa…between Egypt and the Levant…between the Arab Mashreq and the Arab Maghreb.

5. Must-know Vocab

Birds-Eye View of Land

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for the Day of Liberation in Israel!

  • أبريل (ʾibrīl) — April
  • أرض (ʾarḍ) — land
  • إسرائيل (ʾisrāʾīl) — Israel
  • البحر الأَحمر (al-baḥr al-ʾaḥmar) — Red Sea
  • عيد تحرير سيناء (ʿīd taḥrīr sīnāʾ) — Day of Liberation
  • الخامس و العشرين (al-ḫāmis wa al-ʿišrīn) — twenty-fifth
  • شبه جزيرة سيناء (šebh ǧazīrat sīnāʾ) — Sinai Peninsula
  • قوات (quwwāt) — troop
  • معاهدة (muʿāhadah) — treaty
  • إنسحاب (ʾinsiḥāb) — withdrawal
  • تحرير (taḥrīr) — liberation

To hear each word pronounced, check out our Day of Liberation vocabulary list. Here, you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio of its pronunciation.


We hope you enjoyed learning about Sinai’s Day of Liberation with us! Is there a similar holiday in your own country? How do you celebrate it? Let us know in the comments!

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