Why learn Arabic? Here are 10 great reasons.


Are you thinking of learning the Arabic language, but need a little extra motivation to get started?

Then you’re in the right place. 

Here, we’ll answer the question: “Why learn Arabic?” and present you with the top 10 reasons to learn Arabic in today’s globalized world. 

Did you know, for example, that Arabic is the official language of the Arab League? In Arabic, this is called جامِعَة الدِوَل العَرَبِيَّة‎ (ǧāmiʿat al-diwal al-ʿarabiyyah‎) and it consists of 22 countries, from North Africa to the Arabian Peninsula (called شِبْهُ الْجَزِيرَةِ الْعَرَبِيَّة‎ [šibhu al-ǧaziīraẗi al-ʿarabiyaّh]). 

For this reason, it’s an incredibly rich and complex language, a great challenge for whoever feels attracted to studying it. 

Arabic is not an easy language to learn, be warned, but this makes it all the more rewarding. Studying it will be an incredible experience that will transform you and your life in ways you cannot even imagine.

Without further ado, let’s explore the top 10 reasons why we should all learn some Arabic.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Arabic Table of Contents
  1. Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language
  2. Personal and Professional Benefits
  3. Is it Easy?
  4. The Fastest Way to Learn Arabic

1. Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

First of all, it’s now widely accepted that there are countless benefits to learning any foreign language, and Arabic is no exception

If anything, Arabic is one of the most challenging languages you can learn. In fact, it’s classified as one of the hardest languages for English speakers in particular…but don’t let that bring you down! The more challenging a language is to learn, the more benefits it will bring you. 

Let’s have a look at the reasons why everyone should be learning a foreign language…especially a challenging one, like Arabic!

Reason 1: It changes the way you think.

A Man in Deep Thought about Something

Learning a foreign language opens your mind. 

You’ve probably heard this before, and for a reason. Basically, those who have learned a foreign language report actually changing and growing as a person in the process. 

Studying a foreign language makes you develop new skills that allow you to appreciate the world in different ways. You’ll probably acquire new tastes, and your opinions and ways of seeing and interacting with the world around you might change.

Obviously, these changes are always for the best! They will only add new nuances and layers to your current vision, making you a more interesting, approachable, and open-minded individual. 

Reason 2: It gives you access to a whole new world.

Another compelling reason why you should learn Arabic is that being able to understand a foreign language will open up an entire new world to you. You’ll be able to access Arab culture on a whole new level, getting to know and explore it not only through the translations and opinions of others, but directly from the source. 

If you’re a literature-lover, for example, reading books in their original version will be priceless. Or maybe you’re a cinema addict… You’ll be able to watch movies and actually understand the actors, and have access to so much more content than just that which is translated or subtitled. 

You love cooking? You’ll get a whole new world of recipes from 22 different countries!!

And the list goes on. Just dive into whatever interests you most and get in touch with the rich Arab culture. 

Reason 3: It can improve brain function.

Research has shown that studying a foreign language improves creativity, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. But it doesn’t end there: Apparently, being bilingual can delay the onset of diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia by years.

A Brain Surrounded by Sketches of Different Thoughts

Multilingual people have also been shown to be more rational, perceptive, and aware of their surroundings. Studies are proving that knowing more than one language increases the number of neural pathways in one’s brain, which allows the brain to process information through a wider variety of channels.

So, what are you waiting for? Learning a language like Arabic will actually improve your brain health and make you more logical and creative!

2. Personal and Professional Benefits

On the other hand, learning to speak and communicate in a foreign language will also give you many concrete advantages in your everyday life. 

If you’re looking to enhance your professional profile in order to find a better job, or if you want to add a great and useful skill to your personal repertoire, learning Arabic is one of the best things you can do.  

Reason 4: Learning Arabic will open up incredible travel opportunities.

Being able to understand and speak Arabic will give you the opportunity to communicate with so many people, in so many countries! You’ll be able to travel in North Africa, the Middle East, and the Arabian Peninsula, experiencing life not as a tourist, but as a local.

We all know how important it is to connect with people while traveling, and what better way than to speak their language?

The Al Fayoum Desert Oasis in Egypt)

Knowing Arabic will really make a huge difference if you’re planning to travel in the countries where it’s spoken. Even if you can only have basic conversations, you’ll be received as a friend and will have a much more authentic experience than if you didn’t speak the language at all. 

Reason 5: There’s high professional demand for Arabic. 

Trust me, when employers see “Fluent in Arabic” on your CV, they will love it. First of all, a language like Arabic is not easy to learn and it will prove that you’re motivated and driven to learn new skills. 

Secondly, Arabic is a language in high demand, especially in business and governmental jobs, and being able to speak it will give you a competitive edge over other candidates. 

Other fields that are constantly looking for Arabic speakers include intelligence and foreign service, banking and finance, translation, journalism, and education.

Essentially, knowing how to speak Arabic will open up a lot of opportunities—it will probably help you economically, too!

A Man Drinking Coffee and Working on His Laptop

Reason 6: It can serve as a cultural bridge.

If, like most of us, you’re struggling to work toward a more connected and understanding world, knowing Arabic will be an incredible asset in your professional and everyday life. Being able to speak Arabic will allow you to use your skills as a bridge between cultures

Our society is in extreme need of people who can help others understand those who are different from them, and if you live in the West and speak Arabic you can be that missing connection—a link to make the world a more understanding and united place. 

Reason 7: It will help you better understand Islam.

If you’re interested in Islam, there’s nothing that will help you more than learning the Arabic language. This will allow you to read the Qurʾān, understand its teachings, and converse with those who know it best.

Muslims Gathered Around the Kaaba in Prayer

Islam is one of the major world religions and it plays a major role in many countries’ culture and society. Being able to understand it first-hand is essential if you plan to live and/or travel in an Arabic-speaking country. 

3. Is it Easy?

As we mentioned above, the answer is…no. 

But again, don’t let this stop you from learning Arabic! Even though it’s not an easy language to learn, or especially because of that, gaining even a basic knowledge of Arabic will be worth it. 

Being able to understand and communicate in Arabic will take some time and effort, but, if done right, it can be so much fun. It’s an investment that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Following are some more reasons to learn Arabic.

Reason 8: It will give you an edge in life.

Learning such a complex language is not for everyone, but if you’re motivated and passionate, the challenge will be worth it. 

Knowing Arabic will certainly give you an edge in all aspects of your life and it will show others your drive, making you appear sophisticated and intelligent.

Moreover, as we already mentioned, acquiring a foreign language increases your mental abilities, memory, and attention span. All these benefits will increase your confidence…and we all know that confidence is an essential quality to succeed in society nowadays. 

Reason 9: It will make it easier to learn other languages.

Once you know some Arabic, you’ll have a much easier time learning other languages which have similar vocabulary and grammar (Farsi, Persian, Turkish, Urdu, and even Hebrew!). 

And that’s not all. The skills you learn while studying Arabic will actually serve you when learning any other language. The more foreign languages you learn, the easier grasping them gets!

Reason 10: Modern technology makes it way easier.

A Woman Lying in the Grass with Headphones On

Imagine having to learn Arabic even just 50 years ago. You’d have to go get a coursebook, a grammar manual, a massive English/Arabic dictionary… And good luck finding Arabic movies and music for listening practice, or Arabic speakers with whom to practice your speaking skills!

Nowadays, things are different. Technology has made learning a language easier than ever: online courses, virtual language classes and practice, endless content in all languages. 

Learning Arabic now will be easier than it has ever been, so jump in! If not now, when?

4. The Fastest Way to Learn Arabic

And, speaking of technology, make sure you check out ArabicPod101.com for great language learning content. 

Here, you’ll find lessons for all levels, from absolute beginner to advanced and fluent, combined with all kinds of online resources: vocab lists, podcasts, dictionaries, and more. 

If your plan is to visit one of the 22 countries of the Arabic League, make sure you check out the Survival Course and special travel-related vocabulary lists. Knowing some basic Arabic during your trip will make your experience even more unforgettable!

On the other hand, if you’re in it for the long term and want to become fluent in Arabic, just make the commitment and start practicing every day with personalized features and practical language learning tips

Before you go, we would love to hear from you. Are you any closer to making a decision about Arabic, or do you still have questions or concerns? We’ll do our best to help you out!

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