Remember back when you had to grab a giant dictionary every time you wanted to find or translate one word?
Back when you had to say the alphabet from A all the way to that first letter of the word you were looking up…only to never find it or to take forever doing so?
We’re all happy those days are behind us, and that we now enjoy the luxury of Google Translate and the internet.
Still, learning new words in a foreign language like Arabic is difficult if you lack proper systems and strategic learning methods.
So, what’s a strategic way to learn new basic Arabic words for beginners?
According to statistics, learning 1000 words covers 85.5% of conversation in a given language.
Technically, this means you’ll be able to speak Arabic fluently if you learn the 1000 most used words.
Makes it sound way easier, right?
Below are 200 words to get you started.
Let’s dig in!

1. Pronouns

Personal Pronouns
To start composing basic sentences in Arabic, you’ll probably need to master personal pronouns. Here’s a list of the most essential personal pronouns in Arabic.
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
I | ʾanā | أنَا |
you | ʾanta | أَنتَ |
you | ʾanti | أَنتِ |
he | huwa | هُوَ |
she | hiya | هِيَ |
it | huwa / hiya | هُوَ/هِيَ |
we | naḥnu | نَحنُ |
they | hum | هُم |
him | -h | -ه |
her | -hā | -ها |
us | -nā | -نا |
them | -hum | -هم |
Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are the tools you use to refer to objects and people in your conversations. Learning these will be of great use for your interactions. Here’s a list of the four demonstrative pronouns:
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
this | haḏihi / haḏā | هَذِهِ / هَذا |
that | dāka / ḏalik | ذاكَ / ذَلِك |
these | haʾulāʾ/ haḏihi | هَؤُلاء / هَذِهِ |
those | ʾūlaʾik / tilk | أولَئِك / تِلك |
Interrogative Pronouns / Question Words
Interrogative pronouns are building blocks for questions, a.k.a. the Five Ws. Here’s a list of those with romanizations:
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
who | man | مَن |
whom | man | مَن |
whose | liman | لِمَن |
what | māḏā | ماذا |
which | ayy | أَيّ |
Along with interrogative pronouns, it’s also worth listing interrogative adverbs, which serve a similar purpose.
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
when | matā | مَتى |
where | ʾayna | أَيْنَ |
why | limāḏā | لِماذا |
how | kayfa | كَيْفَ |
2. Numbers

Numerals in English | Numerals in Arabic | English | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
0 | ٠ | zero | ṣifr | صِفر |
1 | ١ | one | waḥid | وَاحِد |
2 | ٢ | two | ʾiṯnān | إثنان |
3 | ٣ | three | ṯalāṯah | ثلَاثَة |
4 | ٤ | four | ʾarbaʿah | أَربَعَة |
5 | ٥ | five | ḫamsah | خَمسَة |
6 | ٦ | six | sittah | سِتَّة |
7 | ٧ | seven | sabʿah | سَبعَة |
8 | ٨ | eight | ṯamāniyah | ثَمانِيَة |
9 | ٩ | nine | tisʿah | تِسعَة |
10 | ١٠ | ten | ʿašarah | عَشَرَة |
3. Nouns
Nouns are probably the first basic Arabic vocabulary words you start learning as a beginner. They’re one of two key components in a sentence (together with verbs) and you can usually get your point across using just the right noun. With that in mind, let’s look at a few beginner-level Arabic nouns.

English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
hour | sāʿah | ساعَة |
minute | daqīqah | دَقيقَة |
morning | ṣabāḥ | صَباح |
afternoon | baʿd al-ẓuhr | بَعد الظُهر |
evening | masāʾ | مَساء |
day | yawm | يَوْم |
month | šahr | شَهر |
year | sanah | سَنَة |
Monday | al-ʾiṯnayn | الإثنَيْن |
Tuesday | al-ṯulāṯāʾ | الثُلاثاء |
Wednesday | al-ʾarbaʿāʾ | الأَربَعاء |
Thursday | al-ḫamīs | الخَميس |
Friday | al-ǧumʿah | الجُمعَة |
Saturday | al-sabt | السَبت |
Sunday | al-ʾaḥad | الأَحَد |
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
butcher | ǧazzār | جَزّار |
woodman | ḥaṭṭāb | حَطّاب |
police officer | ḍābiṭ šurṭah | ضابِط شُرطَة |
doctor | ṭabīb | طَبيب |
nurse | mumarriḍah | مُمَرِّضَة |
firefighter | raǧul ʾiṭfāʾ | رَجُل إطفاء |
teacher | mudarris | مُدَرِّس |
father | ʾab | أَب |
mother | ʾum | أُم |
sister | ʾuḫt | أُخت |
brother | ʾaḫ | أَخ |
Mr. | al-sayyid | السَيِّد |
Ms. | al-sayyidah | السَيِّدَة |
Places Around Town

English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
hospital | mustašfā | مُستَشفى |
supermarket | sūbar mārkit | سوبَر ماركِت |
school | madrasah | مَدرَسَة |
downtown | wasaṭ al-madīnah | وَسَط المَدينَة |
university | ǧāmiʿah | جامِعَة |
city hall | ǧihāz al-madīnah | جِهاز المَدينَة |
main square | al-maydān al-raʾīsī | المَيْدان الرَئيسي |
bank | al-bank | البَنك |
museum | al-matḥaf | المَتحَف |
restaurant | al-maṭʿam | المَطعَم |
café | al-maqhā | المَقهى |
police station | markazu l-šurṭah | مَركَز الشُرطَة |
train station | maḥaṭṭaẗu l-qiṭār | مَحَطَّةُ القِطار |
bus station | maḥaṭṭaẗu l-ḥāfilāt | مَحَطَّةُ الحافِلات |
School/Office Essentials
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
pen | qalam | قَلَم |
notebook | daftar mulāḥaẓāt | دَفتَر مُلاحَظات |
computer | kumbīūtar | كُمبيوتَر |
pencil case | maqlamah | مَقلَمَة |
headphones | sammāʿāt | سمّاعات |
mouse | faʾrah | فأرَة |
keyboard | lawḥaẗu mafātīḥ | لَوْحَةُ مَفاتيح |
wifi | waī fāī | واي فاي |
charger | šāḥin | شاحِن |
cable | silk | سِلك |
backpack | ḥaqībaẗu ẓahr | حَقيبَةُ ظَهر |
desk | maktab | مَكتَب |
copybook | kurrāsah | كُرّاسَة |
Body Parts

English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
eye | al-ʿayn | العَيْن |
nose | al-ʾanf | الأَنف |
ear | al-ʾuḏun | الأُذُن |
face | al-waǧh | الوَجه |
arm | al-ḏirāʿ | الذِراع |
chest | al-ṣadr | الصَدر |
cheek | al-ḫad | الخَد |
forehead | al-ǧabhah | الجَبهَة |
mouth | al-fam | الفَم |
chin | al-ḏaqn | الذَقن |
armpit | al-ʾibiṭ | الإبِط |
abdomen | al-baṭn | البَطن |
leg | al-sāq | الساق |
toe | ʾaṣābiʿ al-qadam | أَصابِع القَدَم |
finger | ʾiṣbaʿ | إصبَع |
ankle | al-kāḥil | الكاحِل |
hip | al-wirk | الوِرك |
forearm | al-sāʿid | الساعِد |
elbow | al-kūʿ | الكوع |
wrist | al-miʿṣam | المِعصَم |
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
ٍٍvegetables | ḫuḍrawat | خُضرَوات |
fruit | fawakih | فَوَاكِه |
meat | laḥm | لَحم |
milk | ḥalīb | حَليب |
egg | bayḍ | بَيْض |
coffee | qahwah | قَهوَة |
yogurt | zabādī | زَبادي |
bread | ḫubz | خُبز |
bacon | laḥm muqaddad | لَحم مُقَدَّد |
pie | faṭīrah | فَطيرَة |
ham | laḥm ḫinzīr | لَحم خِنزير |
chicken | daǧāǧ | دَجاج |
juice | ʿaṣīr | عَصير |
sausage | suǧuq | سُجُق |
4. Verbs
Our next set of Arabic beginner words covers the most essential verbs in a variety of categories. You can use these to form more complete sentences in Arabic.
Daily Routine Verbs
The following verbs will come in handy if you want to start a journal in Arabic.
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
to get up | qāma | قامَ |
to eat | ʾakala | أَكَلَ |
to drink | šarib | شَرِب |
to go | ḏahaba | ذَهَبَ |
to work | ʿamila | عَمِلَ |
to study | darasa | دَرَسَ |
to drive | qāda | قادَ |
to ride | rakiba | رَكِبَ |
to sleep | nāma | نامَ |
to wake up | istayqaẓa | اِستَيْقَظَ |
to hang | ʿallaqa | عَلَّقَ |
to do laundry | qāma bilġasīl | قامَ بِالغَسيل |
to nap | ʾaḫaḏa qaylūlah | أَخَذَ قَيْلولَة |
to work out | tamarrana | تَمَرَّنَ |
to go out | ḫaraǧa | خَرَجَ |
to prepare | ḥaḍara | حَضَرَ |
to cook | ṭabaḫa | طَبَخَ |
to clean | naẓẓafa | نَظَّفَ |
to wash | ġasala | غَسَلَ |
to tidy up | rattaba | رَتَّبَ |
to connect | ittaṣala | اِتَّصَلَ |
to communicate | tawaṣala | تَوَاصَلَ |
to wear | irtadā | اِرتَدى |
to take (something) off | ʾazala | أَزالَ |
to grab | ʾamsaka | أَمسَكَ |
to mix | ḫalaṭa | خَلَطَ |
to carry | ḫamala | خَمَلَ |
to freeze | ǧammada | جَمَّدَ |
to change | ġayyara | غَيَّرَ |
to move | naqala | نَقَلَ |
Other Common Verbs
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
to give | ʾaʿṭā | أَعطى |
to take | ʾaḫaḏa | أَخَذَ |
to do | faʿala | فَعَلَ |
to make | ǧaʿala | جَعَلَ |
to let | taraka | تَرَكَ |
to ask | ṭalaba | طَلَبَ |
to smile | ibtasama | اِبتَسَمَ |
to find | waǧada | وَجَدَ |
to use | istaḫdama | اِستَخدَمَ |
to lose | faqad | فَقَد |
to come | ʾatā | أَتى |
to look | naẓara | نَظَرَ |
to hear | samiʿa | سَمِعَ |
to smell | šamma | شَمَّ |
to talk | taḥaddaṯa | تَحَدَّثَ |
to exit | ḫaraǧa | خَرَجَ |
to call | ittaṣala | اِتَّصَلَ |
to feel | ʾaḥassa | أَحَسَّ |
to answer | ʾaǧāba | أَجابَ |
to laugh | ḍaḥika | ضَحِكَ |
to cry | bakā | بَكى |
to steal | saraqa | سَرَقَ |
to run | ǧarā | جَرى |
to walk | mašā | مَشى |
to meet | iltaqā | اِلتَقى |
to create | ṣanaʿa | صَنَعَ |
to finish | ʾanhā | أَنهى |
5. Adjectives
Learning Arabic words to describe the world around you can liven up your conversations, strengthen your Arabic writing, and allow you to better express yourself in this rather expressive language.
Describing Objects
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
big | kabīr | كَبير |
small | ṣaġīr | صَغير |
long | ṭawil | طَوِيل |
short | qaṣīr | قَصير |
twisted | multawi | مُلتَوِي |
smooth | nāʿim | ناعِم |
rough | ḫašin | خَشِن |
Describing People
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
pretty | ǧamīl | جَميل |
handsome | wasīm | وَسيم |
tall | ṭawil | طَوِيل |
short | qaṣīr | قَصير |
disgusting | muṯīr lilišmiʾzāz | مُثير لِلاِشمِئزاز |
sociable | iǧtimāʿī | اِجتِماعي |
funny | muḍḥik | مُضحِك |
beautiful | ǧamīl | جَميل |
lovely | rāʾiʿ | رائِع |
caring | ʿaṭūf | عَطوف |
generous | karīm | كَريم |
arrogant | maġrūr | مَغرور |
humble | mutawaḍiʿ | مُتَوَاضِع |
courageous | šuǧāʿ | شُجاع |
weak | ḍaʿīf | ضَعيف |
strong | qaweī | قَوي |
Describing Emotions
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
happy | saʿīd | سَعيد |
sad | ḥazīn | حَزين |
joyful | mubtahiǧ | مُبتَهِج |
weird | ġarīb | غَريب |
depressed | muktaʾib | مُكتَئِب |
anxious | qaliq | قَلِق |
stressed out | mutawattir | مُتَوَتِّر |
jolly | mariḥ | مَرِح |
Describing Weather
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
rainy | mumṭir | مُمطِر |
sunny | mušmis | مُشمِس |
humid | raṭib | رَطِب |
dry | ǧāf | جاف |
arid | qāḥil | قاحِل |
frigid | mutaǧammid | مُتَجَمِّد |
foggy | ḍabābī | ضَبابي |
windy | rīḥī | ريحي |
stormy | ʿāṣif | عاصِف |
partly cloudy | ġāʾim ǧuzʾiyyan | غائِم جُزئِيّاً |
cloudy | ġāʾim | غائِم |
calm | hādiʾ | هادِئ |
6. Conjunctions
When you want to link one sentence to another, you use conjunctions. Here’s a list of the most used conjunctions in Arabic:
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
and | wa | و |
but | lakin | لَكِن |
then | ṯumma | ثُمَّ |
because | liʾanna | لِأَنَّ |
so | wabil-talī | وَبِالتالي |
7. Others
Below are a few filler words from different Arabic dialects and MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) to help you blend in even more with native speakers.
English Translations | Romanizations | Arabic Words |
beautiful (MSA) | ǧamīl | جَميل |
by God (all dialects, MSA) | wallah | واَلله |
now (Levantine) | halā | هَلا |
ًwhat (Moroccan Arabic, Algerian Arabic) | kifāš | كِفاش |
I mean / like (Egyptian, Levantine, Gulf) | yaʿnī | يَعني |
8. Conclusion
Congrats for getting this far! You’re 200 words in, enough to impress most Arabs as few foreigners have the courage to get this far in their Arabic studies. How many of these words did you know already—and how many were new to you? Let us know in the comments!
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