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Archive for the 'Arabic Culture' Category

The Names of Animals in Arabic (with Romanizations)

If you study world countries, you’ll realize just how unique each one is.  So many things are different from one country to another: the economy, language, culture, resources, size, and the list goes on. But within these differences, we can always find commonalities that bring countries closer together. It could be the way we use technology, our ethical beliefs… It could even be something more interesting—and fun—like animals!  Learning the names of animals in Arabic will make your conversations with native speakers much more engaging and fun. Wherever you go, people will have pets, and everyone has stories to share about their favorite animals.  But in order to engage in these conversations, you’ll need the right vocabulary.... Show more

Arabic Love Phrases: Learn to Express Your Love in Arabic

Imagine going to see the same movies on every single date with your partner. Pretty boring, right? Point is, creativity is key to every love relationship. Bringing new things to the table is what keeps a relationship alive and as exciting as when it began. That’s where learning expressions in your partner’s native language comes into play. Being one of the best ways to show your acceptance, involvement, and appreciation of your partner, learning some Arabic love phrases and discovering how to express your love in Arabic can take your relationship to a whole new level. Not only because it’s your partner’s native tongue, but also because Arabic is one of the best languages for expressing romantic feelings. Having a hard... Show more

Why learn Arabic? Here are 10 great reasons.

Are you thinking of learning the Arabic language, but need a little extra motivation to get started? Then you’re in the right place.  Here, we’ll answer the question: "Why learn Arabic?" and present you with the top 10 reasons to learn Arabic in today’s globalized world.  Did you know, for example, that Arabic is the official language of the Arab League? In Arabic, this is called جامِعَة الدِوَل العَرَبِيَّة‎ (ǧāmiʿat al-diwal al-ʿarabiyyah‎) and it consists of 22 countries, from North Africa to the Arabian Peninsula (called شِبْهُ الْجَزِيرَةِ الْعَرَبِيَّة‎ ).  For this reason, it’s an incredibly rich and complex language, a great challenge for whoever feels attracted to studying it.  Arabic is not an easy language to... Show more

Impress Native Speakers With These Arabic Proverbs

Proverbs are popular sayings that provide a little dose of wisdom, a truth that is sometimes so obvious that it’s overlooked.  Can you think of a proverb in your native language that touched you in an important moment of your life? The Arabic language is so rich and so widely used that it offers countless idiomatic sayings and expressions. If you want to sound like a native speaker, you’d better learn some of these Arabic proverbs yourself! Doing so is a great way to let your language skills shine, and it will help you better understand the culture so you can fit right in! As they say, "There is no time like the present"! Learn the thirty most used Arabic proverbs now and you’ll be certain to leave a good impression!  Keep in... Show more

A Magnificent Chaos: Cairo Travel Guide

Cairo (القاهرة‎) is the chaotic capital of Egypt, a city that feels like it’s built on contradictions and stuck between timelines. With a population of 22 million living in its metropolitan area, Cairo is the biggest African city and the sixteenth-largest metropolis. But the capital of Egypt is not only vast and chaotic. It’s also one of the richest cities in world history, a place where the past intertwines with the present and where many different cultures mix like nowhere else in the world. In this Cairo travel guide, we’ll show you the best way to navigate this beautiful mix!  In the words of Aldous Huxley: "To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries." So, ignore everyone’s opinion about the... Show more

Everything You Should Know About English Words in Arabic

You’re studying English, right? Or was it Arabic? When you look at certain types of Arabic words, it can be hard to notice the difference.  The English language has left its permanent mark on Arabic, just as it has on many other languages around the world. In every Arabic-speaking country, people at all levels of society mix English with Arabic from time to time. Even people not fluent in English do some mixing now and then. How exactly does this mixing work? What’s involved, and what should an Arabic learner look out for? That’s exactly what you’ll find out in our guide to English words in Arabic! Table of Contents The Basics of English Words Used in Arabic Arablish Examples English Loanwords in Arabic How to... Show more

A Basic Introduction to Arab Culture

Whether you’ve enrolled in a formal Arabic class or are picking up the language out of personal interest, you should probably start getting familiar with the culture as well. Becoming familiar with Arab culture and traditions means understanding a lifestyle and point of view far removed from what you’re used to. Of course, Arabic is spoken in many countries and each of them has its own cultural norms. However, on this page, you’ll get a brief glance at the way culture and language intersect in Arab society. Table of Contents Values and Beliefs Philosophies and Religions Family Art Food Traditional Holidays Conclusion 1. Values and Beliefs Generally speaking, Arab culture values tradition and... Show more

A Mouth-Watering Introduction to Arab Food

The best way to remember things is to connect them with your senses in some way. Remembering new words and rules on paper is a tough task unless you also have something you can feel. Something in the heart. And they always say food is the best way to the heart. Fortunately for you, you’ve chosen to learn Arabic—a language spoken across an enormous cultural and culinary tapestry. In this article, you’ll get the barest glimpse at the amazing diversity on display in the world of Arab food. You’ll even learn some interesting Arabic phrases to go along with your meal! Table of Contents What They Eat in Arabic-Speaking Countries In-Country vs. Overseas Unique Food You Can Only Get Abroad Food-Related Vocabulary Bonus:... Show more

Egyptian Mother’s Day: From Deities to Mortals

Considering the fact that Mother’s Day likely arose from deity worship in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, it should come as no surprise that we have one day a year where we pamper our mothers.  In this article, you’ll learn about Mother’s Day in Egypt and how this tradition got its start in modern-day Arab countries. Let’s get started. 1. What is Mother’s Day? Odds are, you’re already familiar with the concept of عيد الأم (ʿiyd al-ʾum), or Mother’s Day—this holiday is widespread, celebrated in numerous countries around the world. While exact traditions and connotations may vary from one culture to another, one thing remains constant: Mother’s Day is a time to honor and show appreciation for one’s mother. But do... Show more

The Top Arabic Quotes to Impress Arabic Speakers

Arabic is a language of learning and a language of the learned.  For centuries, Modern Standard Arabic has been used by the greatest thinkers of the Middle East and North Africa to write novels, essays, plays, and speeches of the highest quality.  When you have a language with such a powerful literary history as Arabic at your fingertips, you want your own Arabic to measure up. But it can be a little difficult if you’re only starting out. In fact, it can be difficult even if you’ve been working on Arabic for a while! Arabic quotes and sayings can be a great way to remedy this, providing you with cultural insight and more opportunities for growth. The ones we’ve compiled here are ideal for more formal situations, where you need to... Show more