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Archive for the 'Arabic Grammar' Category

Searching for the Secrets of Arabic Verb Conjugations

Arabic grammar has an unfair reputation of being needlessly complex and riddled with inconsistencies. A better word might be intricate. There's a lot to memorize, but also a lot of patterns that reveal themselves when examined. One such pattern is within Arabic verb conjugation. Conjugation is the umbrella term for correctly using the different forms of Arabic verbs—which is not something you can just waltz in to. How many other languages can you think of that have different verb forms for talking to women and men? This article is designed for people who are just starting out with Arabic grammar, and who want to know what makes Arabic verbs so intricate. Table of Contents Verb Roots in Arabic Arabic Verbs Love Arabic... Show more

100 Arabic Verbs for Every Action You Can Think of

Verbs are the meat and potatoes of language. They're in every sentence, and pretty much every fragment too. If you're putting together a dinner plate of communication, the verb is the main course. For that reason, we've put together a massive list of 100 Arabic verbs that cover pretty much anything anyone could ask for, including some examples that show how Arabic verbs work. Read this list through and watch as you slowly absorb verbs in Arabic and their structures without even having to work at it!  Let’s go! Table of Contents The Basic Tourist Set—The 20 Most Important Verbs Abstract Yet Important Interacting with Others Move Your Body Follow That Car! Hobbies and Pastimes Using Your Words ... Show more

Find the Beauty in Grammar Through Arabic Pronouns

Did anybody ever tell you that grammar is beautiful? Not the sounds of a language, nor the calligraphy on a page, but the grammar itself? Then clearly nobody has told you about Arabic grammar. In this lesson, we're going to show you the ins and outs of Arabic pronouns—the words for saying "I," "you," "this," "that," "he," "she," and so on. English only takes it a little bit beyond there. Arabic, by contrast, takes it significantly further. There are subtle distinctions and possibilities in Arabic that go well beyond what English is capable of. Did you know, for instance, that in Arabic there's a special pronoun for talking to just two people? It's called the dual pronoun, and it's just one of the surprises waiting for you. ... Show more

Every Minute Counts When Telling Time in Arabic

Are you planning a trip to an Arabic-speaking country? When do you leave? And how do you say that in Arabic? Yup, you’ll need to know about telling time in Arabic to get around very well and be on time.  You wouldn't believe how many tourists get confused and frustrated at bus stations, taxi stands, airports, and train terminals all over the world simply because they don't understand how to talk about time in the local language. That's pretty surprising, to be honest, because you'd think that time words would be one of the things you would prioritize in a new language.  But it still always just seems like something to learn later—until your taxi driver is laughing at you because you misheard what time the bus leaves, and... Show more

100 Arabic Nouns You Can’t Live Without

I’ve always found that naming whatever I can see is a huge motivation boost. First, it’s easy. If I learn the word for something I see or use all the time, it sticks really easily in my mind because I always see it. Second, it feels very cool when I can use a foreign language to list and describe anything at all in my immediate environment. In order to get to that level, you don’t have to do a lot of work. You just need to be familiar with your Arabic nouns. Hence, you should find our list of common Arabic nouns and grammar explanations very helpful. Table of Contents A Few Quick Notes on Arabic Nouns List of Basic Arabic Nouns by Category Conclusion 1. A Few Quick Notes on Arabic Nouns When it comes to nouns in... Show more

Your Ultimate Guide to Mastering Word Gender in Arabic

Many foreigners throughout the years have gotten high praise for speaking "correct" Arabic. And many others have spoken "broken" Arabic. Obviously, there are a lot of things that could go into that distinction, but one of the most important is grammatical gender. If you get those word endings wrong on nouns, adjectives, and verbs, you’ll still be understood—but it’ll sound strange. That’s not a word you want to associate with your Arabic level! If you’re not yet comfortable with word gender in Arabic, don’t worry. Simply read on, and let the knowledge come to you. Table of Contents What is Grammatical Gender? The Arabic Noun Gender System: See a Word, Guess its Gender Gender in Arabic Pronouns and Verbs Plural Nouns Noun... Show more

Life Event Messages: Happy Birthday in Arabic & Beyond

Language is really about making connections. If you know how to chat with somebody about the weather or the food you’re eating, well, good for you. That might lead to an interesting conversation. But when you know a little bit more about your target language culture, and you can pull out the right phrase for the right situation (like how to wish a happy birthday in Arabic), you show that you’ve gone beyond just knowing a handful of words. And when that phrase is about some major life event, something that really has an emotional effect on somebody? That’s when you make a fantastic impression. So that’s what this article is all about: the absolute essential phrases that you need in Arabic to show somebody that you care, no matter... Show more

100+ All-Purpose Arabic Adjectives

Psst. Hey. Wanna buy an adjective? The appropriate adjectives can really go a long way toward making your Arabic speech more careful and precise. Right here, right now, you can pick up more than 100 Arabic adjectives—these are the good ones, too. We’ve hand-selected the words on this Arabic adjectives list to cover the most common situations that might come up. We use adjectives in every conceivable part of life, and for that reason, your efforts to learn Arabic adjectives are vital to ensuring total language mastery! Table of Contents A Quick Overview of Arabic Adjectives List of the 100+ Best Arabic Adjectives Conclusion 1. A Quick Overview of Arabic Adjectives Adjectives in Arabic require a bit of thought to use... Show more

Outstanding Arabic Shows on Netflix to Learn Arabic

There are two things that make for a fantastic language-learning environment. The first is people chatting naturally, as actual people do, without any kind of stilted usage meant for learners. No "How are you?" "I’m fine, thank you." You want: "Hey, what’s up?" "Hey." Or, you know, that in Arabic. The second is to have something interesting to care about. If you’re not interested in what’s happening, and you don’t care which way it ends up at the end, your mind won’t be focused enough to really remember what you’re picking up language-wise. Watching Arabic shows on Netflix—long and engaging—is seriously one of the best things you can do for yourself. And when you think of great television in 2019, you probably think of Netflix. So... Show more

Your Ultimate Language Guide to Arabic Conjunctions

When you consider studying a new language, you never really think about all the little bits and pieces you have to learn. For instance, the "conjunction" meaning in Arabic. Arabic learners think longingly of the beautiful script, the challenging sounds, and the rich literary vocabulary. Mastering all the uses of how to say "and" ranks pretty low on people’s lists. But here’s the thing—you can change your mindset about this. You can treat these little bits of grammar as stepping stones to producing elegant and elaborate language. And longer, complex sentences actually tend to be more regular than shorter sentences, which makes sense. More frequent things get repeated so much that the irregularities become natural, while more... Show more