Archive for the 'Arabic Phrases' Category
May 28, 2020
Open Ears and Minds with a Great Compliment in Arabic
Have you gotten a nice compliment recently?
The right compliment, delivered genuinely, can make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
That's exactly the feeling you want to be giving locals when you're speaking to them in Arabic. A polite and well-placed compliment in Arabic is going to be an absolute hit anywhere, from the boardroom to the hotel lounge. So why is a word of praise in Arabic so highly valued?
First, Arab culture values expansive and literary-sounding compliments. If you can take care of the language side, you'll come across as very well-read and educated.
Second, a foreigner who can speak good Arabic is still a rarity in today's world. You'll very much stand out from the crowd and make yourself remembered.
So how do you go... Show more
May 17, 2020
Your Ultimate Guide to Mastering Word Gender in Arabic
Many foreigners throughout the years have gotten high praise for speaking "correct" Arabic.
And many others have spoken "broken" Arabic.
Obviously, there are a lot of things that could go into that distinction, but one of the most important is grammatical gender. If you get those word endings wrong on nouns, adjectives, and verbs, you’ll still be understood—but it’ll sound strange.
That’s not a word you want to associate with your Arabic level!
If you’re not yet comfortable with word gender in Arabic, don’t worry. Simply read on, and let the knowledge come to you.
Table of Contents
What is Grammatical Gender?
The Arabic Noun Gender System: See a Word, Guess its Gender
Gender in Arabic Pronouns and Verbs
Plural Nouns
Noun... Show more
May 10, 2020
Make Your Point Crystal-Clear with Angry Arabic Phrases
A lot of people stereotype Arabic as an "angry language." What does that even mean?
They’re only talking about how it sounds. Anybody who knows any Arabic understands that it’s a language famous for its poetry and scripture, with elegant, untranslatable words for love and beauty.
But Arabs get angry too.
And in this article, we’ll guide you through the process of using the Arabic language to talk about frustration and anger, and even share with you some juicy insults. You won’t find any vulgar curse words here—those are members-only at This is just a list of angry Arabic phrases to get you started.
Since this topic is personal and emotional, we’re using a lot of colloquial Arabic phrases. It may not all be perfect... Show more
April 10, 2020
Life Event Messages: Happy Birthday in Arabic & Beyond
Language is really about making connections.
If you know how to chat with somebody about the weather or the food you’re eating, well, good for you. That might lead to an interesting conversation.
But when you know a little bit more about your target language culture, and you can pull out the right phrase for the right situation (like how to wish a happy birthday in Arabic), you show that you’ve gone beyond just knowing a handful of words.
And when that phrase is about some major life event, something that really has an emotional effect on somebody? That’s when you make a fantastic impression.
So that’s what this article is all about: the absolute essential phrases that you need in Arabic to show somebody that you care, no matter... Show more
March 30, 2020
Discussing the Weather in Arabic Like a Pro
Socially, weather can bring us together.
I mean that quite literally, actually—if you’re caught in the rain, you can share an umbrella or duck under an awning with a stranger (while expressing that you’re cold in Arabic!). Or perhaps if it’s a beautiful day, you call up a friend for a bike ride and talk about the nice weather in Arabic.
Or maybe you just need to learn weather terms in Arabic so you can understand the Arab weather forecast!
Have you thought about how you might discuss the weather in Arabic? For example, the weather Dubai United Arab Emirates experiences, or the Arabic weather report you just heard?
Even though the weather is one of the first topics in any language class, most people never realize how rich ... Show more
March 24, 2020
100+ All-Purpose Arabic Adjectives
Psst. Hey.
Wanna buy an adjective?
The appropriate adjectives can really go a long way toward making your Arabic speech more careful and precise.
Right here, right now, you can pick up more than 100 Arabic adjectives—these are the good ones, too.
We’ve hand-selected the words on this Arabic adjectives list to cover the most common situations that might come up. We use adjectives in every conceivable part of life, and for that reason, your efforts to learn Arabic adjectives are vital to ensuring total language mastery!
Table of Contents
A Quick Overview of Arabic Adjectives
List of the 100+ Best Arabic Adjectives
1. A Quick Overview of Arabic Adjectives
Adjectives in Arabic require a bit of thought to use... Show more
February 25, 2020
Outstanding Arabic Shows on Netflix to Learn Arabic
There are two things that make for a fantastic language-learning environment.
The first is people chatting naturally, as actual people do, without any kind of stilted usage meant for learners. No "How are you?" "I’m fine, thank you." You want: "Hey, what’s up?" "Hey." Or, you know, that in Arabic.
The second is to have something interesting to care about. If you’re not interested in what’s happening, and you don’t care which way it ends up at the end, your mind won’t be focused enough to really remember what you’re picking up language-wise.
Watching Arabic shows on Netflix—long and engaging—is seriously one of the best things you can do for yourself. And when you think of great television in 2019, you probably think of Netflix.
So... Show more
January 6, 2020
Your Guide to Arabic Customs and Etiquette
So, why exactly should you learn Arabic customs and etiquette?
Imagine for a moment two foreigners coming to your place of work.
The first one speaks your native language flawlessly—but they’re a total jerk. It’s easy to communicate with them, but it’s just words. You have no evidence that your message is actually getting through to their behavior.
The second has a moderate to thick accent, and sometimes there are things you have to ask them to repeat. But they fit right in with the work culture, and every time you’re able to communicate, things work out exactly as you intended.
Which one do you prefer? Someone who knows your language, or someone who knows your culture?
Since you’re reading this article, it’s clear that you’re... Show more
December 20, 2019
Reading, Writing and Understanding Arabic Dates and Years
Everybody knows that numbers are just no fun to learn in other languages.
I’ve had plenty of language teachers—fluent, expressive users of English—fall back on their native tongues when quickly counting out handouts.
Sorry to tell you, but the numbers are easy. It’s dates you have to worry about. Especially Arabic dates.
Ever read through an article in a foreign language, and just mentally read the dates out in your head in English because you didn’t want to figure out how to really say them? Everybody has.
If you’re not used to reading numerals aloud in Arabic, check out our article on numbers in Arabic for a little bit of practice. It’s good to have a strong foundation in number-reading before you tackle date-reading; this way,... Show more
December 6, 2019
Understanding and Talking About Family in Arabic
No matter what culture you visit, you’ll likely learn that the way other people think of family is completely different from how you do.
When you speak in your native language about your own family, you’re drawing on many years of ingrained cultural knowledge that shapes what you’re likely to share and what you’re likely to keep private. This cultural influence may even affect the way you present that knowledge.
But if you use another language to talk about your own family, like if you speak about your family in Arabic, you may sometimes find that it doesn’t quite line up. Certain phrases you expect to use aren’t there, and the person you’re speaking with may have a very different expectation of what you’re going to communicate.
All... Show more