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Archive for the 'Arabic Words' Category

Everything You Should Know About English Words in Arabic

You’re studying English, right? Or was it Arabic? When you look at certain types of Arabic words, it can be hard to notice the difference.  The English language has left its permanent mark on Arabic, just as it has on many other languages around the world. In every Arabic-speaking country, people at all levels of society mix English with Arabic from time to time. Even people not fluent in English do some mixing now and then. How exactly does this mixing work? What’s involved, and what should an Arabic learner look out for? That’s exactly what you’ll find out in our guide to English words in Arabic! Table of Contents The Basics of English Words Used in Arabic Arablish Examples English Loanwords in Arabic How to... Show more

A Basic Introduction to Arab Culture

Whether you’ve enrolled in a formal Arabic class or are picking up the language out of personal interest, you should probably start getting familiar with the culture as well. Becoming familiar with Arab culture and traditions means understanding a lifestyle and point of view far removed from what you’re used to. Of course, Arabic is spoken in many countries and each of them has its own cultural norms. However, on this page, you’ll get a brief glance at the way culture and language intersect in Arab society. Table of Contents Values and Beliefs Philosophies and Religions Family Art Food Traditional Holidays Conclusion 1. Values and Beliefs Generally speaking, Arab culture values tradition and... Show more

A Mouth-Watering Introduction to Arab Food

The best way to remember things is to connect them with your senses in some way. Remembering new words and rules on paper is a tough task unless you also have something you can feel. Something in the heart. And they always say food is the best way to the heart. Fortunately for you, you’ve chosen to learn Arabic—a language spoken across an enormous cultural and culinary tapestry. In this article, you’ll get the barest glimpse at the amazing diversity on display in the world of Arab food. You’ll even learn some interesting Arabic phrases to go along with your meal! Table of Contents What They Eat in Arabic-Speaking Countries In-Country vs. Overseas Unique Food You Can Only Get Abroad Food-Related Vocabulary Bonus:... Show more

Egyptian Mother’s Day: From Deities to Mortals

Considering the fact that Mother’s Day likely arose from deity worship in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, it should come as no surprise that we have one day a year where we pamper our mothers.  In this article, you’ll learn about Mother’s Day in Egypt and how this tradition got its start in modern-day Arab countries. Let’s get started. 1. What is Mother’s Day? Odds are, you’re already familiar with the concept of عيد الأم (ʿiyd al-ʾum), or Mother’s Day—this holiday is widespread, celebrated in numerous countries around the world. While exact traditions and connotations may vary from one culture to another, one thing remains constant: Mother’s Day is a time to honor and show appreciation for one’s mother. But do... Show more

The Top Arabic Quotes to Impress Arabic Speakers

Arabic is a language of learning and a language of the learned.  For centuries, Modern Standard Arabic has been used by the greatest thinkers of the Middle East and North Africa to write novels, essays, plays, and speeches of the highest quality.  When you have a language with such a powerful literary history as Arabic at your fingertips, you want your own Arabic to measure up. But it can be a little difficult if you’re only starting out. In fact, it can be difficult even if you’ve been working on Arabic for a while! Arabic quotes and sayings can be a great way to remedy this, providing you with cultural insight and more opportunities for growth. The ones we’ve compiled here are ideal for more formal situations, where you need to... Show more

Is Arabic Hard to Learn? Yes and No.

"You’re learning Arabic? Wow, I could never do that!" You’ve probably heard that sentiment, or something like it, dozens of times. Or perhaps you’ve become intimidated hearing it said to other people.  For English-speakers, Arabic has a reputation for being an incredibly tough language to learn. Nobody offers Arabic classes in middle school, and nobody talks about picking up Arabic from watching cartoons. But does Arabic deserve such a reputation? Is Arabic hard to learn? Could it be that there’s more to a language than its perceived difficulty? Let’s find out! Table of Contents Is Arabic Really the Hardest Language? Why Arabic is Hard to Learn Why Arabic is Easier Than You Think What Every New Arabic Learner... Show more

The Most Common Mistakes Arabic Speakers Make

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to speak flawless Arabic? It’s a language that flummoxes students around the world daily. Even in Arabic-speaking countries, people are divided on what’s really "correct" and "proper" Arabic. The truth is, you really don’t have to speak Arabic by the book in order to show your respect for the cultures and languages of Arab people. A little really does go a long way! In this article, you’ll see some of the most common mistakes Arabic speakers make when learning the language, as well as the best ways to overcome them. Table of Contents Pronunciation Vocabulary Mistakes Word Order Mistakes Arabic Grammar Mistakes Uniquely Arabic Mistakes The Biggest Mistake Conclusion 1.... Show more

Arabic Questions and Answers to Start a Great Conversation

You can learn quite a bit of a language through questions. Whether you’re traveling or hanging out in your hometown, any conversation you have with a native speaker in Arabic is going to involve a little bit of Q-and-A. In fact, this is especially true for Arabic, since it’s a language not as commonly learned by foreigners. People are going to be rather curious about you as, in all likelihood, you’re going to be the first Arabic-speaking foreigner they’ve ever met. Check out these common Arabic questions and answers, so that you have a leg up when the conversation starts! Table of Contents What’s your name? Where are you from? Do you speak Arabic? How long have you been studying Arabic? Have you been to ___? ... Show more

Basic Arabic Sentences & Patterns: Your Ticket to Fluency

Did you know that language is really just patterns? Even the most complex languages, like Arabic, can be described with a long, long list of rules and patterns. Of course, we’re talking about multiple research teams working for decades to really tease out all the patterns of a natural language. There are always some unusual things that crop up and extend the research by a couple of years. Fortunately, the inconsistencies and the exceptions don’t detract from one simple ground truth: to speak Arabic well, you need to master key Arabic sentences and sentence patterns. That’s one of the best ways to start speaking Arabic quickly, too. Once you have a deep knowledge of a single sentence pattern, you can use that understanding to... Show more

The Adverb in Arabic: 100 Amazingly Useful Arabic Adverbs

Can you say anything in Arabic—anything at all? If you’re on this website, I should hope so! But how accurately can you describe what you see, and even more importantly, what people are doing? This is a job for adverbs. Adverbs modify verbs and nouns, and in Arabic, you may be surprised how they end up coming together. Knowing just the right adverb in Arabic can take a sentence from okay to amazing, and enhance clarity. Right here, we have 100 Arabic adverbs just for you. Check them out! Table of Contents Arabic Adverbs of Time Arabic Adverbs of Place Arabic Adverbs of Manner Arabic Adverbs of Degree Arabic Adverbs for Wishes, Hopes, and Probability Get in Touch with Your Emotions Personality... Show more