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Arabic Word of the Day – arm (noun)

Learn a little Arabic everyday with the free Arabic Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!ذراع (ḏirāʿ) arm (noun)الذراعين مرفوعينThe two arms are raised.عضلة الذراع3adalit zira3arm muscleذراع عضلىmuscular armذراعينtwo armsOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Arabic Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Egypt – Perfumes

    It's well-known that perfumes affect the psychological state of the individual, affecting his heart, brain, all his organs, and reflecting his personality. Perfumes can please a person or upset him, so man cared a lot about extracting perfumes from different types of flowers and plants. These perfumes appear in the shape of oils, incense, bukhoor, body-sprays, etc… Arabs and Perfume Pharaohs were the first to know about perfumes but they kept the composition of these perfumes secret. Then the industry moved to Arabs, especially Iraqis, who discovered the secrets of making perfumes and extracting them from different plants. Nowadays, we find each Arabian country having its own perfumes for men and women that characterize this... Show more


Casablanca, 'ad-daar 'al-bayDaa' in Arabic, is located in Western Morocco on the Atlantic coast, and it is the biggest city in Morocco with a population exceeding three million people. Thanks to its strategic location, the port of Casablanca is considered the main port of Morocco, the largest port in North Africa, and the largest artificial port in the world. The name Casablanca is originally Portuguese and it means "the white house." The Portuguese influence started when Portugal conquered the city in the fifteenth century to put an end to the pirates that used the port as a base to attack Portuguese ships. Spain and Portugal eventually abandoned the town after a great earthquake destroyed it along with the capital of Portugal,... Show more

What’s His Name?

A possessive suffix is an ending to a word that indicates possession, similar to the apostrophe-'s' in "John's notebook". Possessive suffixes are the Arabic equivalents of the words "my", "your", "his", "her", "our", and "their". هذِهِ صِديقتي. haadhihi Sadiiqatii. This is my friend. ما إسْمُكَ؟ ma ismuka? What is your name? (when asking a man) ما إسْمُكِ؟ ma ismuki? What is your name? (when asking a woman) Single Dual Plural 3rd person masculine …هُ …هُما …هُم 3rd person feminine …ها …هُما …هُنَّ 2nd person masculine …كَ …كُما …كُم 2nd person feminine …كِ …كُما …كُنَّ 1st person …ي …نا …نا Try to practice and write... Show more

The Brides Festival

The Festival of Imilchil has become recognized around the world. The more common name of this festival is the Festival of Brides, it has been to attract huge numbers of tourist from around the world to attend days on tribal wedding ceremonies At the end of each summer. On this day the tribal women of that area will pick their husbands for the rest of their lives. The festival is a huge celebration in both Morocco and Imilchil. The legend behind the festival is that there were two tribes called Ait Yaaza and Ait Ibahim that were always in a constant war. Then a woman from one clan fell in love with a man from the other, but their parents wouldn’t let them get married.  Because they were not allowed to marry they shed many tears,... Show more

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from everyone here at! We're grateful to have listeners just like you, and we're eagerly waiting for the upcoming year to learn Arabic together! And when the New Year comes around, be sure to make a resolution to study Arabic with! Have a healthy and happy holiday season. From the Team