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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Starts Today! Take the 12-Month ArabicPod101 Challenge

Welcome to 2015, Listener! Making New Year’s resolutions is easy. Keeping them? That’s the challenge. But 2015 is going to be different for you. How? This year you’ll be armed with a secret weapon of your own: ArabicPod101 Premium Challenge yourself to mastering Arabic in 2015 and we’ll give you the lessons to SMASH through your resolution AND 45% savings on 12-Month Premium. That’s an entire year of Premium Access for just $99! Welcome to the Innovative Language Learning Inner Circle With ArabicPod101 Premium, you have access to our complete learning system, which was created with busy students in mind. But tools alone won’t help you improve your Arabic. Every successful language student knows that in order to... Show more

December Newsletter: Year in Review & 3 Arabic New Year’s Gifts Inside

Hello Listener, The year’s about to come to a close. While you were improving your Arabic, we were busy churning out great new updates, features and lessons. 2014 was a fantastic time to learn language with us. Here are a few reasons why: 3,343+ New Lessons spanning over 31 languages published this year. 300 Million Lesson Downloads across all sites, since our start in 2005. 2 New Language Learning Sites: CzechClass & DanishClass101. That's a total of 31 languages you can learn with Innovative Language. Innovative Language 101 App launched for the Android, iPhone, iPad & Kindle Fire so you can learn Arabic on the go. New Features: Vocab Lists, Season Vocabulary & Premium PLUS My Teacher tool for 1-on-1 Arabic... Show more

10 Days of Big Arabic Holiday Deals Start Today!

Hello Listener, Either you’ve waited all year for this... Or you’ve just popped into ArabicPod101 and are wondering what in the world is going on. The biggest and best Arabic learning deals and discounts of 2014 start today! Serious about mastering Arabic in 2014? Join the Holiday Countdown as we count down the holiday season with 10 days of the 10 BIGGEST deals on Arabic Apps, Audiobooks, Software Subscriptions and much much more. The Big Holiday Countdown starts today, December 8th, until Friday, December 19th, 2014. Here are a few crucial things you must know in order to snag some amazing Arabic learning gifts before they’re gone forever: There are 10 deals total. One for each day of the Countdown. Each deal lasts only... Show more

Why Not Wednesday? Last Chance to Learn Arabic with 41% OFF Premium!

Hello and Wishing You Holiday Cheer, Well it’s that time of year again when we run around trying to make everyone we love feel special and appreciated (pulling out our hair out the whole while!) but we’re going to dare to ask you one very simple question: “Why Not?” Think about it: Why Not treat yourself to mini exotic adventures whenever you want? Why Not prepare yourself for true adventures in Egypt or another Arabic speaking country like no tourist could? Why Not pad your resume and potentially boost your earnings potential – all while having fun and doing so at your own pace? And Why Not give yourself the gift that your friends and family will NEVER think of giving: Finally learning AND mastering a... Show more

ArabicPod101 Black Friday Special! First 101 Users Get 51% OFF Total!

Hello Listener, We know you were expecting 41% OFF for Black Friday. We planned on it. You got the sneak peek email. But it’s Black Friday! What do we do? Well...we want to make it even easier for you learn Arabic! So, in the spirit of Black Friday...here’s an extra 10% OFF on top of your 41% OFF discount! Black Friday Special: Today Only, Get an EXTRA 10%... Save 51% TOTAL on our most popular Basic and Premium subscriptions (choose from 1 month to 3, 6, 12, and 24 months)! 24-month Premium is as low as $4.90/month and 24-month Basic is as low as $1.96/month. Take advantage! This deal ends when all spots are filled up or when the clock strikes midnight (EST), tonight, Nov. 28th, 2014! Whichever comes first! First 101 Buyers... Show more

Get 40% OFF with 3 of our Best Arabic Vocab Apps for the price of 1!

Hello Listener, Just one thing is standing between you and speaking and understanding more Arabic. Arabic Words. But how do you learn more? Do you dig through a dictionary and write down every new word? Then memorize, memorize and memorize? That’ll take a long time. Or you can 1) master 2,000+ must-know words, 2) make unlimited flashcards for new words, and 3) learn faster on your iPhone or iPad. How? With our New Arabic Vocab Bundle! Get our 3 Best Arabic Vocab Apps for the price of 1! That’s 40% OFF the total $25.97 retail price and 3 unique ways to master more Arabic! Hurry, this quick bundle deal ends Thursday, November 13th, 2014! Click here to get the Arabic Vocab Bundle for your iPhone or iPad! (Looking for Android, Mac... Show more

Take The ArabicPod101 Challenge!

Welcome Back Listener! It’s been a while! Last time we saw you, it was still 2013... Christmas trees were up, and you were still making your 2014 resolutions. Now that the new year has begun, the #1 question everyone’s asking is... “How do I fulfill my resolution and make serious Arabic progress?” One: Stop thinking and start doing. Take on the challenge and jump in. Your progress starts NOW. Two: Create a measurable and attainable Arabic goal. (Master 100 new words in 2 weeks, listen to 5 Arabic lessons a week, hold an Arabic conversation for 5 minutes, etc.) Three: Challenge yourself more each month. (Go for 10 minute conversations, move on to 200 words, etc.) It’s as easy as that! So in 2014, take the... Show more

WordPower for Your Mac: Your Complete Arabic Vocabulary and Culture Course

Hi Listener, Users ask this all time. “What’s one Arabic Mac app of yours I should try?” To which we say... “Uh... We have a lot!” But if you’re saying... “My goal’s to speak more Arabic. I need to boost my vocabulary and track my progress. What do you have for me?” Get WordPower Arabic for the Mac. It’s our single most downloaded Arabic Mac App. And it’s just been updated. WordPower Version 4.0: Not Just an Update, It’s a Brand New App New! Click Here To See WordPower Arabic in the Mac App Store! WordPower is your complete Arabic vocabulary and culture course. It’s fully redesigned and rebuilt based on years of helpful user feedback. You get double the amount of Arabic words with the Arabic local list,... Show more

Power Up Your Arabic With Premium

Hello Listener, You know your Arabic is running low when you... have to stop and think before you speak don’t have the words to say what you want to lose track of a conversation in minutes So how do you power your Arabic up? Textbooks won’t do it. Software can’t help. Only real life Arabic conversation lessons will. Native speakers that translate, explain and teach you how to respond will. At ArabicPod101, you jump directly into the conversation and master it from Beginner to Advanced. So, Power Up Your Arabic with ArabicPod101! Get 31% OFF Premium until April 26th, 2013. Power up with this discount and learn the only Arabic that matters - real life Arabic. At 31% OFF, 24-month... Show more

Announcing the Lighter, Faster and More Mobile-Friendly Lesson Notes!

Why do Arabic learners keep coming back to ArabicPod101.com? For our fast, fresh and fun audio and video lessons, of course! But did you know that an important part of our lessons is the PDF lesson notes? These printable lesson notes are a crucial part of our online learning system. For visual learners, they’re a must! So that’s why we embarked on a long journey to improve the PDF Lesson Notes so that you, our valued listeners, will have the very best Arabic learning experience at ArabicPod101. So what’s new? Glad you asked! Here’s what you’ll find with the updated PDF Lesson Notes: Completely Mobile Friendly – View with no problems, both iOS and Android RIP Lesson Notes Lite – PDFs now display reliably... Show more