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What’s His Name?

A possessive suffix is an ending to a word that indicates possession, similar to the apostrophe-'s' in "John's notebook". Possessive suffixes are the Arabic equivalents of the words "my", "your", "his", "her", "our", and "their". هذِهِ صِديقتي. haadhihi Sadiiqatii. This is my friend. ما إسْمُكَ؟ ma ismuka? What is your name? (when asking a man) ما إسْمُكِ؟ ma ismuki? What is your name? (when asking a woman) Single Dual Plural 3rd person masculine …هُ …هُما …هُم 3rd person feminine …ها …هُما …هُنَّ 2nd person masculine …كَ …كُما …كُم 2nd person feminine …كِ …كُما …كُنَّ 1st person …ي …نا …نا Try to practice and write... Show more

The Brides Festival

The Festival of Imilchil has become recognized around the world. The more common name of this festival is the Festival of Brides, it has been to attract huge numbers of tourist from around the world to attend days on tribal wedding ceremonies At the end of each summer. On this day the tribal women of that area will pick their husbands for the rest of their lives. The festival is a huge celebration in both Morocco and Imilchil. The legend behind the festival is that there were two tribes called Ait Yaaza and Ait Ibahim that were always in a constant war. Then a woman from one clan fell in love with a man from the other, but their parents wouldn’t let them get married.  Because they were not allowed to marry they shed many tears,... Show more

April 2010 Newsletter

1. 101 Million Downloads Reached!  On April 12th, and Innovative Language Learning reached 101 million lesson downloads! Thanks to all the listeners for supporting us! The winners from our 101 Million Download contest have been picked and posted. Click here to see if you're a winner! 2. Did you get fooled? Pranks, jokes and lies oh my!- did you dodge them all on April Fool's Day? Click here to read more about this wacky holiday... 3. BONUS Arabic Audio Lesson!  We're back with another free audio lesson just for you! We're going green with this month's theme. Click here to download and listen... Welcome to the newsletter. Spring is here and the warm weather has been inspiring us... Show more

Touchdown! 101,000,000 Lessons Downloaded

A BIG Thank you to all our listeners. 101 Lifetime Premium Subscriptions winners have been selected. Did you win? If you entered to win on our site, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, please check the winners lists here. Second Prize - EVERYONE GETS a second prize - Double Your Subscription for ONLY 101 pennies! This is a Very limited offer though. Please click here to see if it is still available for you.

Are You a Winner? March 2010 Social Media Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites! Here are March’s winners: Facebook: Eliano Fiore Youtube: pmh22 Twitter: mexicanum ArabicPod101: melissajoy See your name here? Email us at to claim your prize. Check back next month for April`s winners!

March 2010 Newsletter

In this month's newsletter: 1. Knocking on 101 MILLION! and our sister sites at Innovative Language Learning are fast approaching a big milestone - 101 MILLION lesson downloads! You could win a Premium LIFETIME Subscription! Best of all, you're already entered to win! Click here to find out more... 2. I Am Woman! March 8th was International Women's Day! Click here to learn more about these holidays...... 3. Best Lessons and Blog Entries for March! Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has great content for you to see. Welcome to the newsletter. Spring is coming and we are ready to welcome in the new season with fun and exciting lessons! These periodic newsletters will deliver... Show more

Cultural Class: The Heart of Ramadan

Ramadan ( رمضان ) is a special month of the year for millions of Arabs and Muslims in the world. Interestingly, the start of Ramadan is determined by a combination of physical sightings and astronomical calculations done based on the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar being some 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, Ramadan migrates through the seasons. The most important characteristic of Ramadan is the fasting from the breaking of dawn to the setting of the sun.  While fasting has existed in many societies and in many forms, fasting during Ramadan is not just refraining from eating and drinking but carries the added significance of worship, psychological comfort and morality. Another important change that comes along with... Show more

Cultural Class: Argan Oil- A Treasure from the South

Perpetually in the search for beauty and youth, people flock to spas and search for products to add to their beauty regime. However, one answer to preventing wrinkles and eliminate scars might be Argan oil, which originates from the South Western part of Morocco. The oil is actually extracted from a shell nut from the round and green fruits of the Argan tree, which grows exclusively in the South Western part of Morocco. This tree is very resistant to the harsh climate of the region, and prevails in a semi-desert environment. It is actually thanks to this amazing tree's roots, which grow deep in search for water, that retain some humidity in the soil, limiting the advance of the desert. The harvesting of the tree's fruits and the... Show more

February 2010 Social Media Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites! Here are February's winners: Facebook: Jessica Braun Youtube: bow9041 Twitter: Humalienoid ArabicPod101: thebarbie101 See your name here? Email us at to claim your prize. Check back next month for March`s winners!

Cultural Class: Where East meets West

Casablanca, A-dar l-bayda’ in Arabic, is located in western Morocco and it is its biggest city; with a population exceding 3 million people. Thanks to its strategic location the port of Casablanca is considered the main port of Morocco, and it is the largest port in Africa, as well as the largest artificial port in the world. The name “casa blanca” comes from Portugese, meaning “the white house.” The Portugese influence is here because in the 15th century, Portugal conquered the city and put an end to the pirates that used the port as a base to attack Portugese ships. Spain and Portugal eventually abandonned the town after a great earthquake destroyed it in 1755. The city was then rebuilt and kept its name, “the white house.” ... Show more