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January 2010 Social Media Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites! Here are January's winners: Facebook: Annie Train Youtube: JunsuiSora Twitter: HalaMasreya ArabicPod101: marthamoody See your name here? Email us at to claim your prize. Check back next month for February's winners!

December Social Networking Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites! Here are December's winners: Facebook: Ama Jean Youtube: MrGabrielmeurer Twitter: BlackLionattaka ArabicPod101: Aussiezahra See your name here? Email us at to claim your prize. Check back next month for January's winners!

November Social Networking Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites! Here are November's winners: Facebook: Fatima Carol Terborg Youtube: nonstopenglish Twitter: miriamberkley ArabicPod101: tamarindo123 See your name here? Email us at to claim your prize. Check back next month for December's winners!

November 2009 Newsletter

1. Get serious about Arabic with The Ultimate Getting Started Arabic Package - Limited Time Offer! Stop by to find out more. 2. Happy Thanksgiving! We want to say "Thank you" for listening to! Use coupon code THANKS09 by November 26th and save 26% off any basic or premium subscription today! Click here to redeem this incredible, limited time offer today! 3. Best Lessons and Blog Entries for November!  - Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has some great content for you to see. Welcome to the newsletter. These periodic newsletters will deliver  to  you  all  the  exciting developments that are going on at  With  each  issue,  you ... Show more

October 2009 Newsletter

Introduction Awesome new upgrade available for the iPhone/iPod Touch application - WordPower Arabic and now available for Android (the Google phone). Social Networking Monthly Giveaways! - Every month, will give away one 3-month Premium Subscription, one 3-month Basic Subscription, and two of our phenomenal iPhone applications. Become a subscriber to ArabicPod101's YouTube account, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or have a free lifetime account at ArabicPod101 to be eligible to win! Best Lessons and Blog Entries for October! - Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has some great content for you to see. Welcome to the newsletter. These periodic newsletters... Show more

SAVE 15% OFF! Back to School Special is Back for 2 days! Save 15% OFF Any Basic or premium subscription! Introduction Save an INSTANT 15% OFF Any Basic or Premium Subscription! Back to School Special is here for 48 hours only! Claim your discount now. Secets to Learning Arabic Secrets to learning Arabic REVEALED! Best Lessons and Blog Entries for September! - Find out what's popular this month! The blog has some great content for you to see. Welcome to the newsletter. These periodic newsletters will deliver to you all the exciting developments that are going on at With each issue, you will receive the latest announcements, promotional offers, blog news, and forum news,... Show more

2009 Contest Ends, and Everyone Wins!

Our $10,100 contest came to an end on August 31st, and the winners were announced! The contest was such an overwhelming success... we feel everyone should be rewarded. :) In total, almost 30,000 people participated! 160 won FREE subscriptions, but we were so happy with the turnout, we wanted to do something extra. So... here is a special coupon to say "Thank you!" Save 25% OFF any Basic or Premium subscription with coupon code: CONTEST2009 Get an INSTANT 25% OFF by clicking here if you're a member or click here to sign up with the discount. Again, it's our way of saying thank you. Were you one of the 160 Winners? Find... Show more

Islamic Culture and Holidays – Eid ul-Fitr

This is a celebration that begins on the last day of Ramadan and is called ‘Festival of Breaking Fast’ or `Eid ul-Fitr. The celebration goes on for three days as children knock on the doors of other people and take chocolate, money and sugar from them. People take this time to forgive each other. The children kiss the hands of the adults and everyone spend time visiting with each other. At the end of the fast and beginning of this festival, Muslims are obligated to repeat the Tabkir all three days of this celebration. People greet each other with “Happy Eid or Blessed Eid.” The first day begins with getting up early and eating a very small breakfast portion. After that they go to the Mosque where they collaborate in a special Eid... Show more

August 2009 Newsletter – Last Chance to Win! DON’T Miss Your Chance to Learn Arabic for Free!

Today, August 31st 2009, is the final day to enter to WIN! 1. Last Chance to Enter $10,100 Contest! There are less than 24 hours to get your chance to win! Our $10,100 Summer Giveaway, is almost over! We are giving away many, many, MANY free subscriptions - $10,100 worth of FREE Premium and 101 Basic subscriptions to be exact! And entering is a piece of cake! You can enter in's $10,100 Giveaway, by doing one or ALL of the following: Follow on Twitter Become a fan of on Facebook Subscribe to's YouTube channel Sign up on ALL 3 for three chances to win - and remember we have TEN sites. Think BIG! If you sign up at all of them, that's a total of 30 chances to... Show more

Muslim / Islamic Holiday – Ramadan Begins Arabic

The Islamic faith consists of different times of the year that the Muslim takes time away to worship. Ramadan is one of those holy times that are an important part of the Muslim beliefs. On the Islamic calendar, this is considered to be the ninth month of the year. The Muslim people have certain religious obligations that they have to follow and the five pillars of Islam is part of the acceptance to the religion. Ramadan is one of those five pillars. The entire month is spent in a time of fasting each day from dawn to sunset. The process of fasting during this month is indicative of the removal of their sins. They believe that their Qu’ran was initially sent down to the earth at this time and so they consider it to be important in... Show more