Hi. This is my first post on this forum. Congratulations on this wonderful new site. My feature request is: In each lesson PDF, could you please devote some footer space to highlighting a different Arabic font? That would really help me to become familiar with different Arabic typefaces.
It could be as simple as one line listing the entire Arabic alphabet (in standard Arabic dictionary order) in your usual font, with another line below that listing the exact same letters but in a different font.
Even better, if these two lines can be followed by any Arabic phrase which corresponds to the English language's "The Quick Brown Fox". So that we can also see how the letters join up in that font (eg. initial, middle, and final forms).
It's okay if this footer is repeated in a constant loop... my guess is that being introduced to just 3 or 4 of the major Arabic fonts in this way would already be a great help. And it would also give us students some regular exposure to the standard Arabic dictionary order, which can't be a bad thing!
Thanks for considering this feature request!