I'm looking forward to seeing it grow, and I have some suggestions on what would be nice to listen to.

First of all, I'd just LOVE a lesson series that focuses on learning through music. Hearing and singing songs and learning what the lyrics mean is a great and fun way of learning.
My personal reason for wanting to learn Arabic is because of my passion for belly dancing! Since belly dancing and Arabic music is becoming more and more popular, I'm sure that alot of people would appreciate to learn more about the style of language that's used in song lyrics. And if you need something more for the lessons, you can always let it be a mix of Arabic pop, classical folkloric songs and nursery rhymes! I think that would give a great look into the culture too.

My second suggestion, or rather a wish, is to hear alot of Egyptian Arabic. (Your banner seems to suggest that it's coming.

Lastly, it would be fun if lessons occasionally feature info on the historical past of the Arab world. Anything from pharaonic times to medieval times would be really interesting.
(Would work in either Culture Class or the language lessons.)
Good luck with the site!
/ Moonshade