
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Natasha: Hello. It’s me Natasha.
Judith: Absolute Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 24, “An Arabic Argument.” Hello and welcome to ArabicPod101.com where we study modern Arabic in fun, educational format.
Natasha: So, brush up on the Arabic that you started learning long ago or start learning it today.
Judith: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Judith, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Natasha: In the following lesson, you will learn how to give arguments.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a hotel in Dubai. The conversation is between Khalid and his friend.
Natasha: They’re speaking in formal, modern, standard Arabic.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Judith:أوه، يا لها من غرفة رائعة
Judith: بالفعل رائعة وباردة. سأستلقي و أشاهد التلفزيون
Judith: حقا؟ لم آت إلى دبي حتى أبقى داخل الفندق طول الوقت
Judith: لقد كنت هنا سابقا، و أنا متعب حقا الآن
Judith:دعنا فقط نذهب للمطعم لنأكل شيئا، فأنا جائع
Judith:هل تريد الذهاب الآن؟
Judith:نعم، و بعد أن نأكل يمكنك مشاهدة التلفزيون و أنا سأستكشف المدينة. هل هذا مناسب لك؟
Judith: حسنا
Natasha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Judith:أوه، يا لها من غرفة رائعة
Judith: بالفعل رائعة وباردة. سأستلقي و أشاهد التلفزيون
Judith: حقا؟ لم آت إلى دبي حتى أبقى داخل الفندق طول الوقت
Judith: لقد كنت هنا سابقا، و أنا متعب حقا الآن
Judith:دعنا فقط نذهب للمطعم لنأكل شيئا، فأنا جائع
Judith:هل تريد الذهاب الآن؟
Judith:نعم، و بعد أن نأكل يمكنك مشاهدة التلفزيون و أنا سأستكشف المدينة. هل هذا مناسب لك؟
Judith: حسنا
Natasha: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
Judith:أوه، يا لها من غرفة رائعة
Natasha: Wow, what a wonderful room.
Judith: بالفعل رائعة وباردة. سأستلقي و أشاهد التلفزيون
Natasha: Indeed, it’s nice and cool. I’m going to lie down and watch TV.
Judith: حقا؟ لم آت إلى دبي حتى أبقى داخل الفندق طول الوقت
Natasha: Really? I didn’t come to Dubai in order to stay inside the hotel all the time.
Judith: لقد كنت هنا سابقا، و أنا متعب حقا الآن
Natasha: I’ve been here before and I’m really tired right now.
Judith:دعنا فقط نذهب للمطعم لنأكل شيئا، فأنا جائع
Natasha: Let’s at least go to the restaurant and eat something. I’m hungry.
Judith:هل تريد الذهاب الآن؟
Natasha: You want to go right now?
Judith:نعم، و بعد أن نأكل يمكنك مشاهدة التلفزيون و أنا سأستكشف المدينة. هل هذا مناسب لك؟
Natasha: Yes, after we eat, you can go watch TV, and I will explore the city. Sounds good?
Judith: حسنا
Natasha: Okay.
Judith: All right, Dubai, you hear a lot of stuff about that in the Western World, you know, tourism. What is this really, this place?
Natasha: Well, Dubai has been transformed from a tiny emirate, which required British protection to one of the most important places on the planet. This is due to one thing, oil.
Judith: The money brought in from the oil trade has allowed the wholesale development at an incredible pace and allowed the government to diversify into other sectors such as financial trading.
Natasha: Now, Dubai is all towering skyscrapers, air conditioned malls and posh hotels.
Judith: It has also tried to make itself a tourist destination with hot sunny weather all year and traditional Gulf culture preserved especially in the interior and in the old town.
Natasha: Dubai is not a country, though. It is just a constituent part of the United Arab Emirates, a loose union of seven emirates. The others you may have heard of are Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Each of the emirates is ruled by its own royal family with little room for democracy or opposing ideas, although, the culture is actually quite liberal compared to other states in the region.
Judith: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Natasha: يا لها من...!
Judith: What a.
Natasha: يا لها من...!
Judith: Next.
Natasha: رائع
Judith: Wonderful, terrific.
Natasha: رائع
Judith: Next.
Natasha: بالفعل
Judith: Indeed.
Natasha: بالفعل
Judith: Next.
Natasha: بارد
Judith: Cool.
Natasha: بارد
Judith: Next.
Natasha: أستلقي
Judith: To lie down.
Natasha: أستلقي
Judith: Next.
Natasha: شاهد
Judith: To watch.
Natasha: شاهد
Judith: Next.
Natasha: جِهَازَ تِلفَازٍ
Judith: TV.
Natasha: جِهَازَ تِلفَازٍ
Judith: Next.
Natasha: حقا
Judith: Really, truly.
Natasha: حقا
Judith: Next.
Natasha: بقى
Judith: To stay.
Natasha: بقى
Judith: Next.
Natasha: داخل
Judith: Inside.
Natasha: داخل
Judith: Next.
Natasha: سابقاً
Judith: Before.
Natasha: سابقاً
Judith: Next.
Natasha: متعب
Judith: Tired.
Natasha: متعب
Judith: Next.
Natasha: جائع
Judith: Hungry.
Natasha: جائع
Judith: Next.
Natasha: مناسب
Judith: Agreeable, convenient.
Natasha: مناسب
Natasha: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we’ll look at is "Haqqan", means really. You can use it to express doubt like "Haqqan?", “Really?” "munaasib", literally means agreeable. In this dialogue, we saw it as a question, "munaasib?"
Judith: In this context, it has the same function as asking, “Sounds good?”
Judith: The focus of this lesson is basic word order. A typical word order in modern standard Arabic sentences is verb, subject, direct object, adverbials.
Natasha: This can be a problem for English speakers who are used to saying the subject first. However, in practice, it’s a non-issue in the majority of sentences. If there is no explicit subject, you just want to include it in the verb ending.
Judith: This default word order can be changed in order to emphasize other parts of the sentence.
Natasha: For example, to place an emphasis on the subject, you may put the subject first. It is even possible to put the object first in order to place emphasis on the object. That just about does it for today.


Natasha: Listeners, have you ever dreamed of starring in one of our lessons?
Judith: If your answer is yes, use the voice recording tool on the lessons page.
Natasha: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Judith: And then play it back just as easily.
Natasha: Then compare it to the native speakers in the lesson.
Judith: And adjust your pronunciation.
Natasha: After a few tries, you’ll be speaking better Arabic than Judith here.
Judith: Hey.
Natasha: Go to ArabicPod101.com and rapidly improve your Arabic pronunciation.
Judith:See you next week!


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