Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone, my name is Peryhan and this is Arabic top words. Today’s topic is going to be about Top 10 Phrases Tourists Should Never Use, Ever! Even within their brains, they should not use it. So let’s get started.
إيه القرف ده!
(ʾeīh el-ʾaraf dah!) "That's disgusting!"
The first phrase you should never use is…
إيه القرف ده!
(ʾeīh el-ʾaraf dah!) "That's disgusting!"
For example, if you see someone spit on the street,
إيه القرف ده!
(ʾeīh el-ʾaraf dah!) "That's disgusting!"
بلدي أحسن.
(baladī ʾaḥsan.) "My country is better."
I don’t know why anyone shouldn’t think of that, you should always be patriotic, but maybe don’t say that out loud.
بلدي أحسن.
(baladī ʾaḥsan.) "My country is better."
So for example, if you see garbage all around the street, all over the street, you would say
بلدي أحسن.
(baladī ʾaḥsan.) "My country is better."
أحسنلي أرجع بلدي.
(ʾaḥsanlī ʾargaʿ baladī.) "I'd rather be back home."
Maybe instead of feeling you want to go back to your country, you would give it another chance, try to experience te new culture, the new food, and try to have second thoughts about it.
(eḫras!) "Shut up!"
Don’t say this one!
(eḫras!) "Shut up!"
(askut), "Shut up!" as well.
مش مهتم أوي بثقافتكم.
(meš mohtamm ʾawī besaʾāfetkom.) "I'm not very interested in your culture."
Ugh… If you’re not interested, why are you there?
مش بحب أقابل ناس جداد.
(meš baḥebb ʾaʾābel nās godād.) "I don't like meeting new people."
You shouldn’t say this, totally. Like, you’re going somewhere else to meet people, why don’t you like it? Even if you’re an introvert, just take the traveling time that you’re spending outside, just a temporary time away, to just let yourself be opened up to the new culture and new people, and so on. So definitely don’t say a phrase like
مش بحب أقابل ناس جداد.
(meš baḥebb ʾaʾābel nās godād.) "I don't like meeting new people."
خلينا ناكل في ماكدونالدز و خلاص.
(ḫallīnā nākol fī mākdūnāldz we ḫalāṣ.) "Let's just eat at McDonald's."
Always look for the local food, Always look for the local stores. Don’t go to McDonald’s, that’s just cheap and unhealthy.
(momell!) "Boring!"
For example, you can say,
المكان ده ممل.
(el-makān dah momell.) “This place is boring.”
Probably you shouldn’t say this, “This place is boring.”
Always try to find the new stuff, always try to find the unique thing about the place you’re in, and don’t ever think that it’s boring.
طعمه بشع.
(ṭaʿmoh bašeʿ.) "This tastes awful."
You can also say,
إيه القرف ده!
(ʾeīh el-ʾaraf dah!) "That's disgusting!"
انتوا ناس مش متحضرين.
(entū nās meš motaḥaḍḍerīn.) "You people are uncivilized."
Next one is…
انتوا ناس مش متحضرين.
(entū nās meš motaḥaḍḍerīn.) "You people are uncivilized."
So for example, if you travel to a country like Egypt , you see people eating with their hands, you might think it’s uncivilized, but in Egypt, it’s quite normal, it’s quite natural to eat food with hands, so you shouldn’t say
انتوا ناس مش متحضرين.
(entū nās meš motaḥaḍḍerīn.) "You people are uncivilized."
Because to them, it’s a very natural way to eat food.
That’s it, thank you so much for watching. Bye-bye!

