Vocabulary (Review)

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أَهلاً بِكُم
Ahlan bikom, ana nora!
Hi I'm Nora!
Welcome to ArabicPod101.com's Abjadiyyah Made Easy!
The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn the Arabic alphabet: the [أَبجَدِيَّة] Abjadiyyah!
Congratulations! You're done with the hardest letters of Arabic! So the good news is you can expect the next lessons to be much easier.
Welcome to our third review lesson of the series, where you can recap what you've learned in lessons 12 to 15.
You learned many letters in the past four lessons, but do you remember all of them? In this lesson, we're reviewing these letters, and we'll go in-depth with some grammar rules, too! Are you ready? Let's go!
Now let's revise the letters you've learned so far!
In lesson 12, you learned ف [fāʾ] and ق [qāf].
The ف [fāʾ] is just like the English "F," while the ق [qāf] is a stronger version of the English "K."
Let's practice writing them together one more time:
First we have the ف [fāʾ].
Now let's talk about the ق [qāf]:
That's it for lesson 12! Let's see lesson 13's letters!
In lesson 13, you learned
ك [kāf]
ل [lām]
Those 2 sounded just like the letters "K" and "L."
Let's practice writing them together one more time:
First we have the ك [kāf]
Now let's talk about the ل [lām]
That's it for lesson 13. Next, let's see lesson 14.
In lesson 14 you learned
م [mīm]
ن [nūn]
They are like "M" and "N." Easy, isn't it?
Let's practice writing them together one more time.
First we have the م [mīm]
Now let's talk about the ن [nūn]
That completes the review of lesson 14. Next, let's see lesson 15:
In lesson 15 you learned
ه [hāʾ]
ة [tāʾ marbūṭah]
The ه [hāʾ] sounds like the English "H," while the ة [tāʾ marbūṭah] can sound either like an "H" or a "T," depending on the position of the word it's in, inside the sentence.
Let's practice writing them together one more time:
First we have the ه [hāʾ]
In most cases, the letter ه [hāʾ] at the end of a word indicates possession by a third person masculine. Like in
قَلبُه [qalbuh]
which means "his heart," where we see the letter in the final form.
Now let's talk about the ة [tāʾ marbūṭah]
As you saw in the last lesson, this letter can only exist in the final form, which is sometimes isolated if it follows a letter that connects differently, like in
حُرَّة [ḥurrah]
meaning "free" in the feminine form.
Generally, if the vowelling of the ة [tāʾ marbūṭah] is pronounced, like when it's in a word in the middle of a sentence, it will be pronounced as a T.
You also studied how the ة [tāʾ marbūṭah] at the end of any word means it's a feminine word, like
شَجَرَة [šaǧarah]
meaning "tree," which is an indefinite feminine noun in Arabic.
And that's it for the review of these lessons!
Did you remember most of them?
Now let's move on to learning more vowelling signs.
In the previous review lesson, you learned the [شَدَّة] shadda, do you remember what it looks like?
Yes, it looks like the number 3 looking upwards! And we learned that it's used to double the sound of the letter it's used in. In this lesson, you'll learn more vowelling signs that will help you read Arabic more efficiently.
Let's learn the [تَنوين] tanween.
The tanween can only happen at the end of the word, and it's basically a ن [nūn] sound at the end of a word.
Tanween has many shapes according to the basic vowelling of the last letter in the word: a damma, a fatha, or a kasra.
You need to be able to read it if you see it, so let's see what it looks like!
Check how [ضَمَّة تَنوين] damma tanween looks like in the word رَجُلٌ (rajulun) which means "man" in the nominative case and the indefinite form.
Here is how [فَتحَة تَنوين] fatha tanween looks like: وَردَةً (wardatun), meaning "flower" in the accusative case and the indefinite form.
And [كَسرَة تَنوين] kasra tanween looks like this: قَلبٍ (qalbun), which means "heart" in the genitive case and the indefinite form.
Notice how the ة [tāʾ marbūṭah] is pronounced as a "T" in this word. Having tanween is one of the cases in which ة [tāʾ marbūṭah] is pronounced as a "T" because the vowelling of the letter is pronounced.
There is also a vowelling sign that means the letter containing it should be pronounced without any vowelling. It's called the [سُكون] sukuun and it looks like this:
which means "red," and as you can see, there's a sukuun over the [حـ] "ḥāʾ" because it has no pronounced vowelling sound: no damma, fatha, or kasra.
Now let's combine all the vowelling signs we learned so far and make some new words!
شُكْرَاً [šukran] "thank you"
with a damma on the [ش] "šīn," a sukuun on the [ك] "kāf," a fatha on the [ر] "rāʾ ," and a tanween fatha on the [ا] "alif".
عَفْوَاً [ʿafwan] "no problem"
with a fatha on the [ع] “"aīn," a sukuun on the [ف] " fāʾ," a fatha on the [و] "waw," and a tanween fatha on the [ا] "alif".
أَهْلاً [ʾahlan] "welcome"
with a fathah on the [ا] alif, a sukuun on the [ه] "hāʾ," a [ل] "lām," and a tanween fatha on the [ا] "alif".
سَهْلٌ [sahlun] "easy"
with a fatha on the [س] "sīn," a sukuun on the [ه] "hāʾ," and a tanween damma on the [ل] "lām".
فُرْصَةٍ [furṣaẗin] "chance"
with a damma on the [ف] "fāʾ," a sukuun on the [ر] " rāʾ," a fatha on the [ص] "ṣād," and a tanween kasra under the [ة] "tāʾ marbūṭah".
Now it's time for a tip!
In Arabic, vowelling involves seeing a vowel symbol located above or under a letter, to indicate how this letter will be pronounced alongside its consonant.
It's something of a learning aid.
Native Arabic speakers usually don't need vowelling to be able to read because they already know the words and how they're pronounced, but for a non-native speaker, it's a bit of a challenge to read without vowelling. That's why the more you learn new words, the easier it will be to read without vowelling.
But for the time being, relying on vowelling signs will make reading easier and faster.
That's it for this lesson! I hope this lesson helped you to memorize the letters covered in lessons 12-15.
You did a great job! And you're almost there! There are only a couple of letters left to master to be able to read ANY Arabic word in the dictionary!

