Vocabulary (Review)

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مرحبا انا نورا!
(marhaban ana nora!)
Hi I'm Nora!
Welcome to Arabicpod101.com's Abjadiyyah Made Easy!
The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn the Arabic alphabet: the [أَبجَدِيَّة] (abjadiyyah).
In the last lesson, you reviewed the letters you learned in lessons 12 to 15. Do you remember how to read and write them? Let's move on!
In this lesson you'll learn the two remaining vowels in Arabic: و (wāw) and ي (yāʾ).
First, let's start with (wāw)و. This letter sounds just like the English "U" in the word "tune." It should be pretty easy to pronounce. It's a circle above the line, connected to a short stroke that extends beneath the line. It kind of looks like a big comma, doesn't it?
Let's write the isolated form.
Wāw is the last letter in the Arabic alphabet and only has two forms, just like the ا,ر,ز,د,ذ (alif, rāʾ, zayn, dāl, ḏāl).
The initial form is like the isolated form, and the medial form is the same as its final form.
Here's how to write the final form.
Now let's see the next letter, ي (yāʾ). This is the last vowel in the Arabic alphabet. It's pronounced just like the English "I" in the word "tin." Pretty easy, right?
You could imagine this letter as a duck with the two dots below as its feet!
Here's how to write the isolated version.
Let's see the other versions of this letter:
and Final:
Did you notice how it looks so different in the final form? It dips beneath the line in that form.
For the initial and medial form, it looks like the ت (tāʾ) but with dots beneath the boat-like character instead of above it.
And now, let's see how to write them:
That's it for this lesson's letters! Now let's learn a couple of new words together using our newly learned vowels!
Our first word is مَشغول (mašġūl) which means "congratulations." Here we have an initial م (mīm) with a fatha on top, connected to a medial ش (šīn), connected to a medial غ (ġayn) then to a final و (wāw). Lastly, the ل (lām) is written in the isolated form because و (wāw) does not have a medial form which connects to the letter after it.
Let's write it.
Next we have جَميل (ǧamīl) meaning "beautiful." ج (ǧīm) is in the initial form, connected to a medial م (mīm), connected to another medial ي (yāʾ) and then to a final ل (lām).
Here's how we write it.
Now it's time for Nora's tips.
You may think that Arabic is a very alien language compared to others, but that's not actually the case.
Arabic is an ancient language, and it's only natural that many other languages have loanwords from it.
In fact, many English words have Arabic origins! For example, 'algebra' comes from the Arabic word الجَبر (al-ǧabr).
Also 'alchemy' originates from the Arabic word الكيمياء (al-kīmyāʾ), and many more.
Okay! We're done with the basic letters! In the next lesson, we'll introduce some new versions of alef.
See you in the next Abjadiyyah Made Easy lesson.
Take care! Salam!

