
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gina: Hi everyone, I’m Gina.
Hala: And I’m Hala!
Gina: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Arabic Vocabulary, Lesson 1! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Daily Life. These are five National Holidays in the Arab world. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at ArabicPod101.com
Gina: Hala, what’s our first word?
Hala: عيد الميلاد
Gina: Christmas
Hala: (slow) عيد الميلاد (regular) عيد الميلاد
Gina: Listeners, please repeat:
Hala: عيد الميلاد
[pause - 5 sec.]
Gina: Christmas in Egypt is usually celebrated only by Christians, who decorate their homes with Christmas lights, trees, and mangers. Christian Egyptians are also known as Copts. -
Gina: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Hala: (normal) عيد الميلاد يَحتَفِلُ بِهِ المَسيحيُّون في السابِع مِن يَنايِر تبعاً لِلتَقوِيم الميلادي.
Gina: Christmas is celebrated on January 7 according to the historic Julian calendar.
Hala: (slow) عيد الميلاد يَحتَفِلُ بِهِ المَسيحيُّون في السابِع مِن يَنايِر تبعاً لِلتَقوِيم الميلادي.
Gina: Okay, what’s the next word?
Hala: ثَوْرَةُ ثَلاثة و عِشرين يُوليْو
Gina: Revolution day
Hala: (slow) ثَوْرَةُ ثَلاثة و عِشرين يُوليْو (regular) ثَوْرَةُ ثَلاثة و عِشرين يُوليْو
Gina: Listeners, please repeat:
Hala: ثَوْرَةُ ثَلاثة و عِشرين يُوليْو
[pause - 5 sec.]
Gina: This day commemorates the Egyptian Revolution of July 23, 1952. It’s celebrated in a variety of ways, especially with nationalistic concerts shown on TV and military parades. -
Gina: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Hala: (normal) عيد ثَوْرَةُ ثَلاثة و عِشرين يُوليْو هوَ أَكبَر عيد قَومي غَير ديني في مِصر.
Gina: Revolution day is the biggest secular public holiday in Egypt.
Hala: (slow) عيد ثَوْرَةُ ثَلاثة و عِشرين يُوليْو هوَ أَكبَر عيد قَومي غَير ديني في مِصر.
Gina: Okay, what’s the next word?
Hala: عيد العمال
Gina: Labor day
Hala: (slow) عيد العمال (regular) عيد العمال
Gina: Listeners, please repeat:
Hala: عيد العمال
[pause - 5 sec.]
Gina: This is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. -
Gina: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Hala: (normal) عيد العُمَّال يَتِم الاِحتِفال به في الأوَّل مِن مايو.
Gina: Labor day is celebrated on May 1st.
Hala: (slow) عيد العُمَّال يَتِم الاِحتِفال به في الأوَّل مِن مايو.
Gina: Okay, what’s the next word?
Hala: رأس السنة الهجرية
Gina: The Hijri New Year
Hala: (slow) رأس السنة الهجرية (regular) رأس السنة الهجرية
Gina: Listeners, please repeat:
Hala: رأس السنة الهجرية
[pause - 5 sec.]
Gina: The Hijri New Year, also known as Islamic New Year, is the day that marks the beginning of a new Islamic calendar year. It’s also the day on which the year count is incremented. -
Gina: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Hala: (normal) رَأس السَنَة الهِجرِيَّة هُوَ أول يَوْم في العام تِبعاً لِلتَقويم الإسلامي القَمَري.
Gina: The Hijri New Year is the first day of the year based on the lunar Islamic calendar.
Hala: (slow) رَأس السَنَة الهِجرِيَّة هُوَ أول يَوْم في العام تِبعاً لِلتَقويم الإسلامي القَمَري.
Gina: Okay, what’s the last word?
Hala: عيد الفطر
Gina: Feast of Breaking the Fast
Hala: (slow) عيد الفطر (regular) عيد الفطر
Gina: Listeners, please repeat:
Hala: عيد الفطر
[pause - 5 sec.]
Gina: This holiday follows the lunar Islamic calendar. Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan on the Feast of Breaking the Fast. -
Gina: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Hala: (normal) المِصرِيُّون غالِباً ما يَشتَرون مَلابس جَديدَة اِحتِفالاً بِعِيد الفِطر.
Gina: Egyptians usually buy new clothes to celebrate The Feast of Breaking the Fast.
Hala: (slow) المِصرِيُّون غالِباً ما يَشتَرون مَلابس جَديدَة اِحتِفالاً بِعِيد الفِطر.
Gina: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Hala will give you the Arabic – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Hala: عيد الميلاد
[pause]Gina: Christmas
Hala: ثَوْرَةُ ثَلاثة و عِشرين يُوليْو
[pause]Gina: Revolution day
Hala: عيد العمال
[pause]Gina: Labour day
Hala: رأس السنة الهجرية
[pause]Gina: The Hijri New Year
Hala: عيد الفطر
[pause]Gina: Feast of Breaking the Fast


Gina: There you have it – five National Holidays in the Arab world! We have more vocab lists available at ArabicPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Hala: Bye.

