
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Egyptian Arabic Social Media Phrases Season 1, Lesson 16 - Going on a Trip.
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Amr: And I'm Amr.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Egyptian Arabic about being at the airport, waiting for a flight. Mona waits at the airport for her flight, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Amr: باي باي قاهرة, أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (bāī bāī ʾāherah, ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
Becky: Meaning - "Bye bye, Cairo. See you in a couple of weeks." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
منى: باي باي قاهرة, أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (bāī bāī ʾāherah, ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
(clicking sound)
سامي: يا بختك! (yā baḫtek!)
سارة: خديني معاكي! (ḫudīnī maʿākī!)
ملك: تروحي و تيجي بالسلامة. (trūḥī wa tīǧī belsalāmah.)
شيرين: كلمينا أول ماتوصلي! (kallemīnā ʾawwel mātewṣalī!)
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
منى: باي باي قاهرة, أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (bāī bāī ʾāherah, ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
Becky: "Bye bye Cairo. See you in a couple of weeks."
(clicking sound)
سامي: يا بختك! (yā baḫtek!)
Becky: "Lucky you!"
سارة: خديني معاكي! (ḫudīnī maʿākī!)
Becky: "Take me with you!"
ملك: تروحي و تيجي بالسلامة. (trūḥī wa tīǧī belsalāmah.)
Becky: "May you return safely."
شيرين: كلمينا أول ماتوصلي! (kallemīnā ʾawwel mātewṣalī!)
Becky: "Call us once you get there!"
Becky: Listen again to Mona's post.
Amr: باي باي قاهرة, أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (bāī bāī ʾāherah, ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
Becky: "Bye bye Cairo. See you in a couple of weeks."
Amr: (SLOW) باي باي قاهرة, أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (bāī bāī ʾāherah, ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.) (Regular) باي باي قاهرة, أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (bāī bāī ʾāherah, ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Bye bye Cairo."
Amr: باي باي قاهرة, (bāī bāī ʾāherah,)
Becky: The word "bye bye" is used the same way it’s used in English.
Amr: However, some people say salam instead.
Becky: Listen again - "Bye bye Cairo" is...
Amr: (SLOW) باي باي قاهرة, (bāī bāī ʾāherah,) (REGULAR) باي باي قاهرة, (bāī bāī ʾāherah,)
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "See you in a couple of weeks."
Amr: أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
Becky: This expression is used mostly when traveling for a while to indicate that they’ll be away for a couple of weeks. You can change the interval in the expression, but it's more natural to stick with short intervals. Listen again - "See you in a couple of weeks" is...
Amr: (SLOW) أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.) (REGULAR) أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
Becky: All together, "Bye bye Cairo. See you in a couple of weeks."
Amr: باي باي قاهرة, أشوفك كمان اسبوعين. (bāī bāī ʾāherah, ʾašūfek kamān āusbūʿīn.)
Becky: In response, Mona's friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her nephew, Sami, uses an expression meaning - "Lucky you!"
Amr: (SLOW) يا بختك! (yā baḫtek!) (REGULAR) يا بختك! (yā baḫtek!)
Amr: يا بختك! (yā baḫtek!)
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling jealous and cynical.
Becky: Her friend, Sarah, uses an expression meaning - "Take me with you!"
Amr: (SLOW) خديني معاكي! (ḫudīnī maʿākī!) (REGULAR) خديني معاكي! (ḫudīnī maʿākī!)
Amr: خديني معاكي! (ḫudīnī maʿākī!)
Becky: Use this expression to be funny.
Becky: Her neighbor, Malak, uses an expression meaning - "May you return safely."
Amr: (SLOW) تروحي و تيجي بالسلامة. (trūḥī wa tīǧī belsalāmah.) (REGULAR) تروحي و تيجي بالسلامة. (trūḥī wa tīǧī belsalāmah.)
Amr: تروحي و تيجي بالسلامة. (trūḥī wa tīǧī belsalāmah.)
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling warmhearted.
Becky: Her friend, Shereen, uses an expression meaning - "Call us once you get there!"
Amr: (SLOW) كلمينا أول ماتوصلي! (kallemīnā ʾawwel mātewṣalī!) (REGULAR) كلمينا أول ماتوصلي! (kallemīnā ʾawwel mātewṣalī!)
Amr: كلمينا أول ماتوصلي! (kallemīnā ʾawwel mātewṣalī!)
Becky: Use this expression to show that you care about someone.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about waiting for a flight, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Amr: Salam!

