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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Egyptian Arabic Social Media Phrases Season 1, Lesson 17 - At the Local Market.
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Amr: And I'm Amr.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Egyptian Arabic about an unusual thing found at a local market. Amir finds an unusual item at a local market, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Amr: حد يقوللي إيه ده؟ (ḥad īʾūllī ʾeīh dah?)
Becky: Meaning - "Can someone tell me what this is?" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
أمير: حد يقوللي إيه ده؟ (ḥad īʾūllī ʾeīh dah?)
(clicking sound)
شيرين: سفينة فضائية؟ (safīnah faḍāʾeyyah?)
سارة: مخلوق فضائي؟ (maḫlūʾ faḍāʾī?)
سامي: ده بيتباع فين؟ (dah byetbāʿ fīn?)
سيف: طب ما كنت تسألنا كده. (ṭab mā kunt tesʾallenā kedah.)
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
أمير: حد يقوللي إيه ده؟ (ḥad īʾūllī ʾeīh dah?)
Becky: "Can someone tell me what this is?"
(clicking sound)
شيرين: سفينة فضائية؟ (safīnah faḍāʾeyyah?)
Becky: "Is it a UFO?"
سارة: مخلوق فضائي؟ (maḫlūʾ faḍāʾī?)
Becky: "Is it an alien?"
سامي: ده بيتباع فين؟ (dah byetbāʿ fīn?)
Becky: "Where do they sell this?"
سيف: طب ما كنت تسألنا كده. (ṭab mā kunt tesʾallenā kedah.)
Becky: "You should've asked for us."
Becky: Listen again to Amir's post.
Amr: حد يقوللي إيه ده؟ (ḥad īʾūllī ʾeīh dah?)
Becky: "Can someone tell me what this is?"
Amr: (SLOW) حد يقوللي إيه ده؟ (ḥad īʾūllī ʾeīh dah?) (Regular) حد يقوللي إيه ده؟ (ḥad īʾūllī ʾeīh dah?)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Can someone tell me."
Amr: حد يقوللي (ḥad īʾūllī)
Becky: As we mentioned in a previous lesson, the word for "person" in Egyptian means literally "one.” The full expression is used when you need answers for something you don't know or understand. Listen again - "Can someone tell me" is...
Amr: (SLOW) حد يقوللي (ḥad īʾūllī) (REGULAR) حد يقوللي (ḥad īʾūllī)
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "What this is?"
Amr: إيه ده؟ (ʾeīh dah?)
Becky: This is a very simple expression that you'll be using a lot when you get to Egypt, because it means "what is this?" Use it to ask about anything you don't know or aren't sure about. Listen again - "What this is?" is...
Amr: (SLOW) إيه ده؟ (ʾeīh dah?) (REGULAR) إيه ده؟ (ʾeīh dah?)
Becky: All together, "Can someone tell me what this is?"
Amr: حد يقوللي إيه ده؟ (ḥad īʾūllī ʾeīh dah?)
Becky: In response, Amir's friends leave some comments.
Becky: His high school friend, Shereen, uses an expression meaning - "Is it a UFO?"
Amr: (SLOW) سفينة فضائية؟ (safīnah faḍāʾeyyah?) (REGULAR) سفينة فضائية؟ (safīnah faḍāʾeyyah?)
Amr: سفينة فضائية؟ (safīnah faḍāʾeyyah?)
Becky: Use this expression to sound funny.
Becky: Another high school friend of his, Sarah, uses an expression meaning - "Is it an alien?"
Amr: (SLOW) مخلوق فضائي؟ (maḫlūʾ faḍāʾī?) (REGULAR) مخلوق فضائي؟ (maḫlūʾ faḍāʾī?)
Amr: مخلوق فضائي؟ (maḫlūʾ faḍāʾī?)
Becky: Use this expression to also be funny and show that you have no idea.
Becky: His nephew, Sami, uses an expression meaning - "Where do they sell this?"
Amr: (SLOW) ده بيتباع فين؟ (dah byetbāʿ fīn?) (REGULAR) ده بيتباع فين؟ (dah byetbāʿ fīn?)
Amr: ده بيتباع فين؟ (dah byetbāʿ fīn?)
Becky: Use this expression to sound ironic.
Becky: His college friend, Seif, uses an expression meaning - "You should've asked for us."
Amr: (SLOW) طب ما كنت تسألنا كده. (ṭab mā kunt tesʾallenā kedah.) (REGULAR) طب ما كنت تسألنا كده. (ṭab mā kunt tesʾallenā kedah.)
Amr: طب ما كنت تسألنا كده. (ṭab mā kunt tesʾallenā kedah.)
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling frivolous.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted about an unusual thing found at a local market, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Amr: Salam!

