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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Egyptian Arabic Social Media Phrases Season 1, Lesson 18 - A Sightseeing Trip.
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Amr: And I'm Amr.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Egyptian Arabic about visiting a landmark. Mona visits a famous landmark, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Amr: مكنتش أعرف إن أسوان جميلة كده! (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
Becky: Meaning - "I didn't know Aswan was so beautiful!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
منى: مكنتش أعرف إن أسوان جميلة كده! (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
(clicking sound)
ملك: روحي الأقصر بالمرة. هتعجبك. (rūḥī el-ʾuʾṣur belmarrah. hateʿǧebak.)
سارة: النيل في أسوان تحفة! (elnīl fī ʾaswān tuḥfah!)
شيرين: متشخبطيش على الحيطان بس! (matšaḫbaṭīš ʿalā el-ḥīṭān bas!)
سامي: وديتي البيبي فين؟ (waddītī el-bībī fīn?)
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
منى: مكنتش أعرف إن أسوان جميلة كده! (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
Becky: "I didn't know Aswan was so beautiful!"
(clicking sound)
ملك: روحي الأقصر بالمرة. هتعجبك. (rūḥī el-ʾuʾṣur belmarrah. hateʿǧebak.)
Becky: "Go to Luxor while you’re at it. You’ll like it."
سارة: النيل في أسوان تحفة! (elnīl fī ʾaswān tuḥfah!)
Becky: "The Nile in Aswan is gorgeous."
شيرين: متشخبطيش على الحيطان بس! (matšaḫbaṭīš ʿalā el-ḥīṭān bas!)
Becky: "Just don't write on the walls!"
سامي: وديتي البيبي فين؟ (waddītī el-bībī fīn?)
Becky: "What did you do with the baby?"
Becky: Listen again to Mona's post.
Amr: مكنتش أعرف إن أسوان جميلة كده! (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
Becky: "I didn't know Aswan was so beautiful!"
Amr: (SLOW) مكنتش أعرف إن أسوان جميلة كده! (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!) (Regular) مكنتش أعرف إن أسوان جميلة كده! (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "I didn't know."
Amr: مكنتش أعرف إن (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen)
Becky: Use this expression to show surprise about something you didn’t expect. Listen again - "I didn't know" is...
Amr: (SLOW) مكنتش أعرف إن (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen) (REGULAR) مكنتش أعرف إن (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen)
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "Aswan is so beautiful!"
Amr: أسوان جميلة كده! (ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
Becky: When you use the word meaning "like that" after any adjective, it elevates its level as if you used "very." Notice that the Arabic is in the present tense, so the phrase literally means “Aswan is so beautiful.” Listen to it again...
Amr: (SLOW) أسوان جميلة كده! (ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!) (REGULAR) أسوان جميلة كده! (ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
Becky: All together, "I didn't know Aswan was so beautiful!"
Amr: مكنتش أعرف إن أسوان جميلة كده! (makunteš ʾaʿraf ʾen ʾaswān ǧamīlah kedah!)
Becky: In response, Mona's friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her neighbor, Malak, uses an expression meaning - "Go to Luxor while you’re at it. You’ll like it."
Amr: (SLOW) روحي الأقصر بالمرة. هتعجبك. (rūḥī el-ʾuʾṣur belmarrah. hateʿǧebak.) (REGULAR) روحي الأقصر بالمرة. هتعجبك. (rūḥī el-ʾuʾṣur belmarrah. hateʿǧebak.)
Amr: روحي الأقصر بالمرة. هتعجبك. (rūḥī el-ʾuʾṣur belmarrah. hateʿǧebak.)
Becky: Use this expression to show that you're feeling warmhearted.
Becky: Her friend, Sarah, uses an expression meaning - "The Nile in Aswan is gorgeous."
Amr: (SLOW) النيل في أسوان تحفة! (elnīl fī ʾaswān tuḥfah!) (REGULAR) النيل في أسوان تحفة! (elnīl fī ʾaswān tuḥfah!)
Amr: النيل في أسوان تحفة! (elnīl fī ʾaswān tuḥfah!)
Becky: Use this expression to show agreement.
Becky: Another high school friend of hers, Shereen, uses an expression meaning - "Just don't write on the walls!"
Amr: (SLOW) متشخبطيش على الحيطان بس! (matšaḫbaṭīš ʿalā el-ḥīṭān bas!) (REGULAR) متشخبطيش على الحيطان بس! (matšaḫbaṭīš ʿalā el-ḥīṭān bas!)
Amr: متشخبطيش على الحيطان بس! (matšaḫbaṭīš ʿalā el-ḥīṭān bas!)
Becky: Use this expression to sound funny.
Becky: Her nephew, Sami, uses an expression meaning - "What did you do with the baby?"
Amr: (SLOW) وديتي البيبي فين؟ (waddītī el-bībī fīn?) (REGULAR) وديتي البيبي فين؟ (waddītī el-bībī fīn?)
Amr: وديتي البيبي فين؟ (waddītī el-bībī fīn?)
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling cynical.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about visiting a landmark, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Amr: Salam!

