Lesson Transcript


Chigusa: Listeners, want to speak and understand more of your target language?
Peter: You’ll need to know more words and phrases...
Chigusa: So today, you’ll discover 6 ways to master new words and phrases fast...
Peter: ...how to never forget these words...
Chigusa: And as a bonus, you’ll also get access to 100s of our FREE Vocab lists.
Chigusa: Welcome to this episode of Innovative Language Learning Sunday News! I'm Chigusa and I'll be your host. My co-host today is the founder of InnovativeLanguage.com, Peter Galante!
Peter: Hi everyone! Peter here.
Peter: Listeners, we’ll get into all of this in just a second... but first, listen up.
Chigusa: If you want to finally learn the language...
Peter: ...And if you want to start speaking from your very first lesson, here’s your chance.
Chigusa: Our Monster Sale starts now. Get 31% OFF Basic, Premium and Premium PLUS.
Peter: You get instant access to fast, easy lessons by real teachers...
Chigusa: ...and our complete language learning program. Just press play on a lesson.
Peter: Our teachers give you practical conversations, explain everything, and get you speaking.
Chigusa: When you’re done, our progress tools “feed” you the next lesson in line.
Peter: You also get Study Tools that help you master lessons faster...
Chigusa: ...app access so you can learn on the go...
Peter: ...and with Premium PLUS, you get your very own teacher.
Chigusa: So, Get 31% OFF Basic, Premium, or Premium PLUS...
Peter: If you’re on the site...
Chigusa: ...Click the link in the comments section. But hurry because this sale ends soon.
Peter: So, Listeners, how can you learn new words fast? Let’s jump right in.
Chigusa: Number one, use our FREE Vocabulary Lists...
Peter: Here’s what makes this study tool so powerful...
Chigusa: Listeners, this is your FREE library of vocab and phrase lessons...
Peter: You can learn words and phrases for current events like Halloween...
Chigusa: ...and useful topics like the top 10 ways to say hello, conversational phrases and more.
Peter: In other words, you learn phrases that you won’t find in textbooks...
Chigusa: ...and if you want to learn extra fast, use the Slideshow tool.
Peter: Just tap on or click on “view slideshow.” Then sit back and review the words and phrases.
Chigusa: Find the vocabulary lists in the vocabulary drop-down menu on the site.
Peter: And yes, these vocab lists are free for all users.
Chigusa: Number Two, take the audio and video lessons.
Peter: One of the best ways to learn new words is: through conversations.
Chigusa: I agree. You get to hear how the words are used.
Peter: So in every lesson dialog, you will come across some words you don’t know.
Chigusa: But don’t worry, because our teachers translate everything.
Peter: So, when you hear the conversation again at the end of the lesson, you will know them all.
Chigusa: Number Three. Learn with our 2000 most common words list.
Peter: Chigusa, Here’s a question for you: How many words do you need for conversational fluency?
Chigusa: Hmm, I’d say... about what 3000? Am I close?
Peter: Pretty close. Language experts say you need about 1500, so half, to reach conversational fluency.
Chigusa: Wow, that’s a lot less than I thought.
Peter: Right? But with this study tool, the 2000 most common words list...
Chigusa: So, you get the words you need for conversational fluency…. upfront!
Peter: That’s what makes this study tool so powerful. It’s all here for you. And they’re broken down into simple categories... Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs, Food, Drinks, Numbers, Months. Just like that.
Chigusa: Now, 2000 is quite a lot to learn. Do you have to learn it all?
Peter: Nope. You can go category by category. You can also start with the top 100 words, then move on to the top 200, 300, and so on, until you get to 2000. So, if you’re an Absolute Beginner, you can start with the top 100 words. Once you’ve mastered those, you can move on to the next category.
Chigusa: That makes sense. You can also use other study tools to learn these words faster, right?
Peter: Exactly. Let’s get into it.
Chigusa: Number Four. Study with Spaced Repetition FlashCards...
Peter: Now, we’re not talking about paper flashcards.
Chigusa: We’re talking about the smart flashcards that you can find in our Premium Study Tools...
Peter: Picture this. Think of these as a teacher inside of your computer...
Chigusa: ...who quizzes you and sorts the words for you.
Peter: So, words that you struggle with, they’ll quiz you on them more and more...
Chigusa: ...the ones that you know, you’ll see less and less.
Peter: So, they display the words as needed, so you never forget them.
Chigusa: In every session, they’ll refresh your memory on the words you learned last time...
Peter: ...and introduce new ones.
Chigusa: That’s exactly how our smart flashcards work.
Peter: And because you get drilled on the words you struggle with....
Chigusa: ...Listeners, you have no choice but to master them and improve.
Peter: You have no choice but to succeed. And it will not give up.
Chigusa: You can also study the words from your lessons and vocab lists...
Peter: ...with the very same flashcards.
Chigusa: Okay, what’s next?
Peter: Number Five. Create Printable Word Lists with the Word Bank
Chigusa: The Word Bank is a study tool that lets you save words and phrases from lessons and vocab lists.
Peter: Think of it as your extended brain. If you come across a new word that you want to review later...
Chigusa: Save it to the Word Bank.
Peter: But the Word Bank also lets you print out the list words.
Chigusa: So, click on the Printer Friendly option inside Word Bank...
Peter: ...and print out your collection of words.
Chigusa: And you can use that sheet for writing practice.
Peter: Number Six. Use the words.
Chigusa: After you learn a new word, using it right away is crucial to remembering it.
Peter: So, when you’re done with a lesson or a vocab list... here’s what you do:
Chigusa: Leave a comment! Make up a sample sentence...
Peter: ....and post it in the comment section.
Chigusa: Write it down in a notebook.
Peter: Or, shadow it.
Chigusa: Meaning, listen to the audio pronunciation and say it out loud.
Peter: You should do this because it’s the actual practice that gets you to remember it.
Chigusa: So, say it, write it, listen to it again. Doing this will help lock the words into your memory.
PETER: Now, if you want to unlock all of these study tools and...
Chigusa: If you want to finally learn the language....
Peter: ...And if you want to start speaking from your very first lesson, here’s your chance.
Chigusa: Our Monster Sale starts now. Get 31% OFF Basic, Premium and Premium PLUS.
Peter: You get instant access to fast, easy lessons by real teachers...
Chigusa: ...and our complete language learning program. Just press play on a lesson.
Peter: Our teachers give you practical conversations, explain everything, and get you speaking.
Chigusa: When you’re done, our progress tools “feed” you the next lesson in line.
Peter: You also get Study Tools that help you master lessons faster...
Chigusa: ...app access so you can learn on the go...
Peter: ...and with Premium PLUS, you get your very own teacher.
Chigusa: So, Get 31% OFF Basic, Premium, or Premium PLUS....
Peter: If you’re on the site....
Chigusa: ...Click the link in the comments section. But hurry because this sale ends soon.


Chigusa: Okay, well that’s going to do it for this edition of Innovative Language Learning Sunday News!*
Peter: Bye everyone!*
Chigusa: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you all next time.*


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