Vocabulary (Review)
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Learn how to write ا (alif)
Get this lesson’s key vocab, their translations and pronunciations. Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account Now and get 7 Days of Premium Access including this feature.
This letter is called ا (alif). Do you know how to write ا (alif)? Get your pen and paper ready! |
ا (alif) |
It is very easy to write. It's simply a vertical line. |
Arabic is a cursive language, which is why each letter has up to 4 forms: initial, medial, final, and isolated. |
Now, let's practice. |
Write ا (alif) for each of these words. |
باب (bāb) door |
ماء (māʾ) water |
رَماد (ramād) ashes |
Let's review! Do you remember how to write ا (alif) in Arabic? |
ا (alif) ا (alif) |
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